Evening Herald Courier from Bristol, Tennessee (2024)

THE BRISTOL NEWS BULLETIN BRISTOL, TENN. MONDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 20, 1936. SOCIETY Society Editor's Hours Mornings Evenings o'clock 7-9 o'clock 5109 1895 Mrs. Bill Tilley Hostess To Bridge Luncheon For Mrs. Carter Crymble Mrs.

Bill Tilley entertained with a charmingly planned bridge luncheon Saturday at one o'clock at the home of Mrs. W. D. Ferguson on Kentucky avenue, in honor of Mrs. Carter Crymble, a recent bride.

The Ferguson home was never lovelier than on this occasion. The reception rooms were decorated with bowls of pansies, white sweet peas and snapdragons. The bride's table was overlaid with a lace table cloth over green satin. In the center was a miniature church, on the steps of which was a miniature wedding party. The church was banked with white sweetpeas.

On either side, were placed silver candlesticks holding burning "Wear-Ever" SPECIALS It'll Last For Years "Wear -Ever" 2- quart saucepan at this low price now. Regular Price $1.10 59 Tight fitting "Wear Ever' Saucepan cover at the low price of only FaucetteCo Fostoria American (-ostoria EARLY AMERICAN This authentic Early American Glass fits in any scheme of table furnishing or decoration. New items in this patterm just received include Vases, Tid Bit Sets, Supper Trays and many other pieces and are decidedly inexpensive. Ryland's "Gift Shop Second Floor" white tapers. The bride's place was marked with a miniature bride and groom under an altar covered with white sweetpeas.

The smaller luncheon tables were covered with dainty luncheon cloths and centered with small vases flowers. Miniature baskets of mints held the place cards. A most delectable three-course luncheon was served guests. In the bridge contest, Mrs. P.

D. Stout was awarded an early American Fostoria sandwich plate for high score prize. Mrs. Sam Bowman won the cut prize, a Fostoria ash tray. A sewing jeep, the floating prize, went to Miss Lucille Wright.

Mrs. Tilley's gift to Mrs. Crymble was a Crown Tuscan vase. Mrs. Crymble wore an attractive black crepe frock trimmed with white beads.

The guest list included: Mrs. Robert Boswell, Mrs. Homer Jones, Mrs. E. K.

Crymble, Mrs. John A. Mahoney, Mrs. H. G.

Peters, Blair Mrs. Tom Mrs. Preston, Mrs. Dowman Mitchell, Mrs. Wood Nickels, Mrs.

Gordon Stuart, Mrs. K. B. Lawrence, Miss Lucille Wright, Mrs. Sidney Sayre of Kingsport, Mrs.

P. D. Stout, Mrs. Henry Mills, Mrs. Rollin K.

Stonebrook, Mrs. Roscoe McClure, Mrs. Edward Wright; Mrs. Rowe Marney, Mrs. J.

C. Leonard, Mrs. Sam Bowman, Mrs. Clyde Farnsworth. Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Cappell and daughter, Anne of Norris, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cryle Bevington at their home Carolina Avenue. Accepts Position In California Mr.

and Mrs. Cryle Bevington and daughter, Peggy Anne will leave the first of the month for Los Angeles, California, where Mr. Bevington has accepted position. Mrs. John D.

Keeler, Jr. Gordon, returned to Christiansburg yesterday, after a brief visit with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fuqua. Attend Concert In Johnson City Prof.

and Mrs. S. T. Schroetter and a party from Virginia Intermont College, attended the piano concert Eugenia Buxton in Johnson 'City Friday evening, Mrs. Mattie Scales of Washington, D.

who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bowman on Arlington Avenue, left Friday for Popular Bluff. Missouri. Jesse L.

Lasky, Jr. Weds LOS ANGELES, April 20. (AP) -Miss Frances Donna Drake became the bride of Jesse L. Lasky, motion picture writer and son of the producer today. Lasky met his bride in Mexico three years ago.

For several months she has been 8 student in a ballet school in New York City. Women's Church Societies FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH The Business Woman's Circle No. 1 of the First Baptist church will meet Tuesday evening at 7:30 with Miss Hazel Bramm and Miss Winnie Moore at the home of Miss Bramm, 321 Lynwood street. Program topics for the will be "Pioneers of the with Miss Edith Mathews as leader. W.


of the First Baptist church will meet Tuesday afternoon, April 21, at the church at 3:30, with splendid program by the "Helen Dozier Circle," with Mrs. Isaac D. Eggers presiding. All members of circles and visitors are urged to attend. The Sunbeam Band will meet also at 3:30 p.

and children of this organization are requested to attend. Dewey Mashburn Ill Dewey Mashburn who is ill at his home with an attack of appendicitis will be removed to King's Mountain Memorial Hospital Wednesday for an operation. DRESS UP Is Spring! Not all of us can afford to get new things to wear from head to foot. But, you can still be dressed up! Clean clothes will help you! Send your clothes to Troy tomorrow! Phone 956 Sale Troy Laundry Co. "THE HOME OF LAUNDERERS DRY CLEANERS BRISTOL, TENN.

"Flapper Fanny's" Spring Outfit "FLAPPER FANNY'S" NEW COAT IS LAST WORD IN STYLE will tell. This CLASS spring coat, for example. It's classy, and it tells you that "Flapper Fanny" used rare judgment in picking it as part of her spring outfit. We can imagine the garment in several colors gray, for instance, with splash of color on the flowers at the neck. Perhaps you green, or blue.

"Crayon' the coat to suit yourself. Then slip it your "Flapper Fanny" paper doll. Ob-0-o! We just peeked into "Flapper closet and found a beautiful afternoon dress. It will appear tomorrow. without each other, was their own suggestion.

DESIGNING LOVE MAKES TRAGEDY OF REAL LIFE DESIGN FOR LOVING By HELEN WELSHIMER two people sought because life Life would hold much more and love suddenly were done beauty, tenderness and dignity for us if we would recognize the power of a cosmic force in the world, and would step into our parts with grace, instead of attempting our own computations of spiritual and human values -a process that is 50 likely to be wrong. In one of the most beautiful, delicate, yet unhappy plays, Edith Wharton's well-known "Ethan Frome," there is a situation which involves Ethan Frome, who can not please his ailing wife, Zenobia, and Mattie Silver, Zenobia's pretty cousin, who comes to live with the Fromes. When Zenobia sends Mattie away, she and Ethan manage to coast down a steep hill into a tree, believing that they will die together. They don't die. They live.

In utter wretchedness for years and years and years. Ethan, with his twisted body, tries make the barren farm yield a few dollars. Mattie, a helpless cripple, comes to hate the man whom she had loved, and Zenobia, rising loyally, loves and serves them both, without reproach. Love Is Vagrant The catastrophe could have ed his role with dignity been averted had each accept- -and played it. Had Zenobia thought less of herself and her health, more of Ethan, his romantic interest would not have wandered.

Had she been charitable enough to have retained Mattie in her home, the accident would have been averted. Maybe it is right that she should be the one to give the richest example of atonement. As for Mattie and Ethan--they knew as men and women have known always and refused to believe, that there are rules born of the needs of the race, which we cannot change. We cannot direct love. Like the wind, it goes where it pleases all too often.

Our actions, however, are within our own hands. That sleigh-ride down the long, white hill, that romantic peak which Women's Clubs DAUGHTERS OF 1812 Elizabeth Livingston Chapter, Daughters of 1812, will meet at three o'clock Wednesday noon at Fort Shelby Place. RURAL FRIENDSHIP CLUB The postponed meeting of the Rural Friendship Club will be held Wednesday in Johnson City at the home of Mrs. Carl King. The members are asked to get in touch with the transportation committee, Mrs.

J. F. McCrary and Mrs. E. H.

Kabler, town committee; Mrs. Fred Bonham and Mrs. E. F. Willis, rural committee.

HOSPITAL AUXILIARY The King's Mountain Memorial Hospital Auxiliary will, meet in the clinic room at the hospital Friday afternoon at three o'clock. JEFFERSON P. T. A. Thomas Jefferson P.

T. A. will meet at three o'clock Thursday afternoon in the school auditorium. The program will be most interesting. The executive board will meet at 2:30.

AMIZADE CLUB Amizade Club will have an all meeting Wednesday beginning at ten o'clock at the home of Mrs. Jeanette Montgomery, Pennsylvania avenue, Each member is expected to attend. HOLSTON HEIGHTS, P. T. A.

The Holston P. A. will meet tonight at 7:30 at the school. Miss Dunn, supervisor of the Virginia schools, be the speaker. Her subject will be "The Kind of Parent I Want To Be." BRISTOL GARDEN CLUB The Bristol Garden Club will meet Wednesday afternoon al 3:30 o'clock in the club rooms at the library.

The executive board will have an important meeting 3:15, Topics- -Planting Annuals in the Flower Garden. -Sun and cultivation of annuals, Mrs. Arthur King; 2, Common annuals, Mrs. Ernest Long: Annuals Mrs. J.

D. Faucette. A. D. Reynolds of Louisville, Kentucky, who has spent the winter in Florida, is the guest of Mr.

and Mrs. Hoge Reynolds on Taylor street. Delphian Alpaa Deipnians of Kingsport One of the most delightful? and thorougnly enjoyabie social affairs of the spring season was tendered Friday when the Appalachlan Aipna Delpnian Society 01 Bristol, entertained menders of the Kingsport Aipha Delpnian Society. meeting started with a play, "The Bishop's Candlesticks," from Les Miserables, by Victor Hugo at Sullins College. This play was faultlessly presented by the Dramatic Club of Sullins under the direction of Mrs.

Harry Martin. Each performer played their part perfectly. Professor De Witt Miller delighted the guests with three selections, "Care Mio by Leon Cavallo; "The Prologue," from Pagliacci and Summer Seas," by Verdi. After the program the guests were invited to the home of Mrs. L.

C. Hassinger, Glenway Avenue, where delicious refreshments were served buffet style. Those attending from the Alpha Delphian Society were Mrs. W. H.

'Reed, Mrs. W. H. Mills, Mrs. C.

H. Rollin, Mrs. S. L. Showker, Mrs P.

K. Hash, Mrs. John B. Nall and Mrs. A J.

Doggett. For Mrs. Arthur Schieren, Jr. Mrs. Jay Lowe of Knoxville, who is visiting her mother, Mrs.

Wilbur L. Street, Sevier, at entertained their home with a luncheon Saturday at "Brookcote," home of Mrs. Rives Rice on the Abingdon Road, for her cousin, Mrs. G. Arthur Schieren, former Katherine Sevier of Sidney, tAus Australia.

guests were a intimate friends. The marriage of Sevier and Mrs. Schieren, which, took place this month, was an event of wide interest. Rosemont P. T.

A. Mrs. Ernest Rainero presided over the April meeting of the Rosemont Parent-Teacher Association which met Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. The meeting opened with Mrs. Robert Blackley and daughter singing "Nailed to the Cross," accompanied by Mrs.

Rainero. The members then repeated the Lord's Prayer in unison. The minutes of the March meeting were approved as read. Very favorable tinancial reports were given by. the treasurer and the chairman.

finance, McCord gave a very interesting report on the district P. T. A. meeting. Officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows: President, Mrs.

E. C. Ashley; first vice-president, Mrs. J. W.

Harkins; second vice-president, Mrs. W. H. Williams; secretary, Mrs. J.

treasurer, Mrs. Frank It was announced that Father's Night would be held Friday, May 15th, at 8 o'clock. The members were delightfully entertained by two piano colos, one by Miss Winona McCord, the other by Miss Anne Faucette and by a reading given by Miss Francis Harkleroad. Mrs. J.

H. Koontz served delicious refreshments during the social hour. Swift-Ford Mr. and Mrs. J.

C. Dove announce the marriage of their daughter, Elsie V. Ford, to Orran J. Swift of Uniontown, Pennsylvania, April 1, 1936, Wise Vir4 ginia. The bride is a popular member of the younger set of Appalachia, Virginia.

The young couple at present are located at the bride's home in Mr. Big Swift Stone the past two years has been in business with his father, C. M. Swift, of Uniontown, Pa. Chin torment of eczema, dryness- -quickly checked and healing promoted with.

Phone Us For Your HOUSECLEANING NEEDS Prompt, Early Delivery to Start the Day Right! Ammonia or for Household 150, 2 25c Pints Spirits of Turpentine 25c Jewel Floor Wax, Lb. 45c Household Rubber Gloves, pair 29c $1000 Moth Killer, With Spray 75c $1000 Poison Bed Bug 35c $1000 Ant Killer 35c $1000 Roach Killer 35c Larvex, Pints $1.00 Moth Flakes, 1 lb, Package 15c Rex Spray, for insects of all kinds Pints Pints 15c 25c Hand Sprays, Pint size Windex Window Wash 25c Rat Nip, Tubes 35c Rat Fix, Box 35c Rough on Rats 25c Wright's Silver Polish 25c Kreso Disinfectants, Pint 40c Birth Announcements Mr. and Mrs. Rex Crawford announce the birth of a son, Rex Waverly, April 14, at King's Mountain Memorial hospital. Mr.

and Mrs. R. F. Garrett announce the birth of a daughter, Delores June, April 14. Mrs.

Garrett is the former Margaret Deckard. Mr. and Mrs. I. J.

Hutton announce the birth of a daughter, Shirley I'Nell, March 26 at King's Mountain Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Delmore Lovelace announce the birth a son Andrew Delmore, April 7 at King's Mountain Memorial hospital. Miss Virginia Lambert Weds Arthur Blackburn TAZEWELL, April 20.

(Spl.) -At high noon Saturday Mr. Arthur Samuel Blackbourn of New Paris, claimed as his bride Miss Virginia Fields Lambert, charming daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Lambert of Cedar Bluff.

The nuptial rites were performed here by The Rev. D. F. Wyrick, pastor of Tazewell circuit, who used the impressive ceremony. Mrs.

Blackbourn was educated in the Richlands high school and enjoys wide popularity throughout the west end of the county. The groom is a former student of George Washington University in Washington, D. and is at present employed by the Berwing Lumber Co. of Bandy, Va. Friends witnessing the ceremony were Mrs.

Bert West and daughter, Miss Mitz of Cedar Bluff, Mr. C. D. Stevenson, Roa noke, Mr. Dan C.

Taylor, Richlands and Mr. H. Elmer Kiser, Tazewell. Mr. and Mrs.

John C. Slack and daughters, Clara and Ada Cox have returned tc their home in Athens, Tennessee, after spending the week-end with relatives in Kingsport and Bristol. Chapter Meetings Of Emmanuel Episcopal Church The Chapters of the Woman's Auxiliary of Emmanuel Episcopal Church will meet Tuesday afternoon as follows: Bishop Jett--Miss Daphne Horner, Lee Heights, at three o'clock. Thosas Russell-M-s. Cook, Pennsylvania Avenue, at three o'clock.

Saints Mrs. Will Moore, Park, at three-thirty. Richard R. Beasley--Miss Etta Brogden, at the home of Mrs. Tilden Scherer, King College Park, at threethirty-, Charles Stuart Hale--Miss Verne McGill, V.

I. College, at seven Trivette- -Felty Mr. and Mrs. J. E.

Felty of Bluff City, announce the marriage of their daughter, Oma Marie to Mr. Julian F. Trivette of Bristol, Saturday April the eleventh, 1936. The ceremony was performed at the home of Reverend R. M.

Sims, Holston Avenue, with the Reverend Sims officiating, Mr. Trivette is the only son of Mr. and Mrs. T. H.

Trivette of Bristol. The young couple are making their home here. Mrs H. H. Shelton of Washington arrived in Bristol yesterday and will be the guest of her mother, Mrs.

C. L. Sevier on Fifth Street until Wednesday evening. Ladies' Aid of Lutheran Church The Ladies Aid Society of the Lutheran Church of the Redeemer will meet Tuesday as follows: Circle No. 1: With Mrs.

J. E. Weaver, 1229 Windsor avenue, at 3 P. M. Circle No.

3: Mrs. Carl Hunt, ton, 1121 2 Anderson street, P. M. Circle No. 3: Mrs.

arl Hunt, 957 Windsor avenue, 7:30 P. M. Woman's Auxiliary Of Central Presbyterian Church The Womans Auxiliary of Central Presbyterian Church will meet at 3:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon at the church. J. J.


Literature Espouses Conventions Strangely enough there is trend today in drama and fiction away from the fostering of the unconventional, back to the comfortable, solid plains where life may not be so briliantly suffered with color but where spring lasts a longer time. In her novel, "A Time for Love," Ramona Hermand has given a clear-cut, penetrating and honest picture of a married man who wanted his wife and home, and wanted another woman, too. His name was Paul and hers was Mary. For ten years they loved, and every week Paul talked of the day when he would get his divorce and marry Mary, She should have known after the second year that he spoke of a mythical holiday. Hope springs eternal, through, kind because she knew that Paul loved her, she waited.

Waited until realization that Paul was a vacillating man came home at last and she wisely took a train out of his life. Better Hurt Than Agony Certainly it hurts for a woman to give up a man she loves, knowing that he loves her, too. Mattie Silver couldn't make the sacrifice that moon-dark night on a New England hill. It took Mary, the sophisticated woman from publishing world, ten years to grow self-reliant enough to stand alone. at the risk of a terrific suffering for a little while, it is better to make the sacrifice.

A man who is bound to another woman, in honor or by law, whether or not he wishes free himself from the bondage, a bad matrito, monial bet. Ethan sought with all honesty to obtain his freedom. Paul was a weakling who was afraid to. Therefore, Ethan deserves sympathy. But Pauland his kind are legion.

A wise woman will recognize them, thank them for dinner or tea or the Gable film, and never again be in when the telephone rings. Dulcie Marie Stone Mr. and Jack Stone announce the birth of a daughter, Dulcie Marie, Sunday, April the nineteenth, 1936 at the King's Mountain Memorial Hospital. Miss Eleanor, Reynolds returned to Saturday, after spending two weeks in Bristol, Bluefield with friends. Haynesfield P.

T. A. The Haynestield P. T. A.

will meet Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock at the school. All bers are urged to be present. When Nature Dresses We all like to follow her lead, when Nature puts on her prettiest dress. When planning your spring and summer wardrobe, be sure to include some becoming new glasses, so your eyes may be well dressed too. Sign of Clear Vision' MS CORD OPTICAL CO.

Eyes Glasses Examined Fitted SO Dr J. L. McCord, Optometrist 526 State St. 5 Bristol, Tenn. off SPRING SHOES Thanks to a good season, we only have six hundred pairs of blue kid, grays, blacks and browns left in stock.

The sizes are broken but in the lot you can surely find several pairs you can use. Quadruple A- to sizes to 9. Some are higher grade shoes specially purchased from grades that sold to $8.50. From our usually low prices now deduct Sandals types in shades and material mentioned, included. $4.95 Shoes now $3.70 $3.95 Shoes now $2.92 $2.98 Shoes now $2.23 $1.99 Shoes now $1.49 White Sandals.

Broken sizes carried over from 33 the past season. Styles that sold at $1.99 and $2.49 now SYLVIA SHOP 21 State Street Your Physician with his years is the man who ness comes to man who should him at the first of study, and practical KNOWS just what to a loved one of your prescribe the remedy sign of ailment. do when Sickfamily. He is the consult Then, make BUNTING'S the Drug Store to fill his prescriptions; as he would have them filled. Our sixty-seven years of prescription work enable us to give your physician the aid he needs to make you well.

Bunting's Drug Store.

Evening Herald Courier from Bristol, Tennessee (2024)
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Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.