Evening Herald Courier from Bristol, Tennessee (2024)


Wheat affact.d by lrrrBoo vaaJi. nea atart4 1-1 ta la lnir and a terard diaplayed bnl IrtOa poaf ta rally, Oata a law wr aaatar and pro-vtnlnna ttttavlat htrjtnad di'nard. CAPT. G. GARROD 5a yt Feelirtf Of FriendaMp Of Entlnd For U.

3. Strengthened MEMPHIS. Jan la (Art- Xt faaling of frltnitshlp of fyr AmarV-av haj bn atrangliianad by tha wanner tn hka tha papara In th Vnltad haa pghhahad ARMY AND NAVY Air Services Pjr Final Tri-bul To PUne Wreck Victim WAinn NOTTS'. Jan la (AH Tha air arvva if An'iy and Navy xid their final rttuia today Iiut Hm R. Anjnrll of frm.

ifmhain, Ala, fi4 fwjr tha twlierve In Brtotnl and thay 10 llrtotot, aw furT rem they are foravftr bonotlng Hrto- 72 DEFENDANTS Storemen PleeJ Guilty To Selling Malt Sjrrup MTX1KGTOV. Ky. Jan l-( tfadanta ehargod lib aalllng oialt ayrvp plaaded guilt) to violating tha prohib.iion la in faleral court hra to-lay and iid fsnta of tU aah Aftr th fina ar paut man-agra of thra chain atora -tat a. ainpiuyfra of ha 4fn4nta, prom ia-1 that no mora allagad "homa bra" matartaJa aauld t0 aold in thatr attra. p'aayar A.

Smith, diairtrt atisrnry 1 an-nmaaco-i tiutn-la lo aioo tha aJe of tha mater. al throughout tha aaatrrn diatrtvl of kan-twkf, Ttia comianii'a paid flnea of j00 j-h, Thy ara tba Krttgar Grwary Company, th ila autmulian. tha 70TII BIRTHDAY EX-KAISER IS JANUARY 27 Relativea Planning To Reproduce Court Pomp Of Bygone Days When They Attend Festival At Doom BHJOJV, Jin II Ar Mon-grebieta flava tninrtved. the 1 year of Grmn raimhiw-amem la tbelr forr amnuary TT the 7Mb birthday i-Kietr Wirhakfl II la irh th pomp and eareroony of rre-r. Km daya Faithful tnouarchtata will maka Cha pilgrimage 4o Doom minor.

In Holland, where the formr rulr hM been llTiBf (ft ille. An nl wh will be given recanting culminating in fanuly reunion In eia hmliaUon of thoae brilliant abut took place at tha Imperial l-'" "Gala untforma and tha word which hu tn ptMrJ and, the hat of th faithful n-rJudea muih of BoluH). th tan ehould he colorful o-man atlending th r-piion ail wear the, court coatume with elaboreU traine end evry-thing poeafbte will don to rr-pcodme the eena of other daie ovr th rpubl hav eel aaida January J7 frfr proper otKtrvtnci of lha former anniversary. T1a hav been art-io for lha ooraaion an. I a n.amwr of village fatlva! hav l-n t-ranted Ikom manor, hr the ha bean jiriiTr'l inie fTghl from German) ia too anutl "IhiaSoa Tnn VlrgAula, Two rYogreaarlva lit lea in Ona A Good lac to live," ia the tula of an article wrttten by A.

OwwVwyn, eecretary of tha rlto4 ttiacnbar of (Hnmv and appearing in th HJt year book of tha Teunee State Counck of Cavrjntera Tha front, a piece of the article oonaWa of remarkabia viaaa of Put-Una and Virginia tntarroont (VJ. lagma, Tha flrat eg ta tllua. tratavi by an airplane view of tha ckty, Tha bkttory and ggraphy of the twUt rtiy la gtvan in a clear and ejualy vndanatood manner Among Olhar th foUoartng Interesting fa-t about Pnatol an.f It a ciiimiui ara manttoned "While lanatol ta alaya looking out for industrial devmopment, it haa novae eawrtfVed tta Uvtng oon-dttioei. aa tl baa alava faM ahould nver ry from Ita motto, "A Good J'lar to iivaw" -Tien tha to naUonal paka the (thoraitdoah and ftmoky Mmin- tatn are developed, travJ all! tn-cra auch an tent that ad- tlllKinaJ nighwaya will bat to coeuKrw.ad to taka raja of Ururtol la a dual city, bwng lo-cated In two atala having lo oaparata govemmatit*, lo txiinij yalema, tw-o po oftVeai, but tta ritfama ara a unit hn It cornea lo working far Ilrlatol't Intrml ana! hero only ona (bamUr of mere, which kno no atala Una, but only nrtatoL" "Hrtatol a rttll Mure ixni- a-Hh thna of any rKy of Ita mt and are equal to thnee of many lib a pop uW Von of 196 908. which makaa It tl trailing ontr for th a aarf ton "BrVetol'e r-H Iran lore BrWol.

they REAL ESTATE SALES I MfAOnrtn Ola V. If Tha Pn hta a tha Piggly Wiggly Company; Th liraat Allanlir and Pacific Com. an. wllh" Ita autinkliary. th Uuakar Maid: and lh OlaJia taln Miora tVnany, looal ootu'am "N'na a ara going after tha the manufatlureia and l.ia agrn, for th malt," Mr, mlth.

TH0R1AS EDISON Inventor Leave For Winter Sojourn In Florida VKWARK. V. Jan. l-tAP Thoinaa A Miaon, Mt ag.l but evltl airlnly irard. lnft today for hit annual alnlr aojourn at Fori Mra.

1ir lU 1 Join- by hi croniaa. Ilarvav Kir- I cinrAoo uvr-TfCK Oin'AOOl Jaa. 11, AP-fSPAl-Hoara racalpa maatly attady to II lowar largely 0 Ml, maxkat on dairhl Ufl-lrO tb. (op HID paid for 110-let btitchara, m. divi mto rhtlo Ui-goe Ih.

Ill joa-ua lb ITI-Wa; IM.Jrje lb. STI-Ilt; IXf-lM )K III-I00. rack, lug trni Til. Plra anadlam ta choUn IK lb TU-US Catto racalpla lino eaJveia cetokra alghty bullocka a pU UM; bulla highar. 5laughtr ctaaaaa.

ataara, gwd and tholca liaO-UM lb, im-l0l; 1166. U( lb. 1IJ; tta-HOO lb. 113. Hi; conwnon and madlutn IfS lb up H8-1UJ Tad yaarllnga.

good jand chotc U6 Ih lit. 1119. luifera. good and chult lit lb. down 1U0-II7I; trormnon and tn tli urn Cowa.

rood and cholea Ili-UJS; fwnmon an4 nia-dium aw cuttar anj rut. tar lat-aat. Bulla good and rhoU (bef) ITI-liyk; Hittew to mdlum 100-1911. Vaalera (milk fed) good and eJMrtoa llOMTlt; roadiom cull and common lot-lllt atwhar and fdr ataara good and fall waighui iito-un; frr 'iMrm rso4 choir (all lghta) Ittt-ltU; com- mon and medium a 74-1 1 00 Fhaap roc-lpl 1,061 limited aarty trada IJ-4(te abeva Monday'a ar-aga; moderaily aortad lamrta lf till it; dooaly aortad to outaider 117, ahaep t4dy; top l6fl reading -avoid, dosing 1 Hlfaifii nil neat I atona. and Henr Kord Mr.

Bluwn acaroa. Umta good and a by hw Uholca ft lb dowa UII-1TO0; ma-The Inventor grinned and anap- HU-Uli; eutl and common 11 a amal to. kei fiavthlirbt at Rwaa. madlum tocboua, nemapaiter photograpbara TTI-lftJa; cuU and I er lined up al th at a I ion i0 tKWBin JiO IS Faa-ter lamb pVtura Ha rmJ In and chotc HTI-IIU. health aa ll aa aplrtta I arM there ample proof of ra- MXTT TKKSL'l PRrtaltTTH cent rai-oru lhl he had gained I TI'KIJII-Jli Ala.

(Al-Monro tuenty pounds in weight oHirlng N. Work, veteran hernial at Tua-the put fr mofith. I kegaa Itwttitut for "Nagroaa. ha on a Harmon roundatkin aard 1 TtKAT rtft "ATA-W r.KS for autatajidtng achjavanvent among hagroa. diarovarad ft produt ta that fUlMK i Ah Philataliata may may ba obtained from peanut I ll on th lookout for aom tie lul.an Uauea By rrnt roaJ' IOWA CTTT, la.

AD-IHve trnir I derree riw typaa of apodal dhry around tha orld aa tha ooijiva-I alampa ar coating I lnl of the diatanc traved by bra aiihn th kingdom and Wahr riaaalar, auporviacr for abroad Kor d. of aihlet ra at tha t'nlrlty of ilnery in citica, laauaa of 1 loaa lte-for ho retired Pine lt jand Ji lenieaimi denomination mill bad nvada mora than inpa beb gotun on' Iowa athlalM Bebe Daniels And Lyon Are To Wed Soon HOU-TWOOP. Jan II (AT) "Earolne a id in a oofyrn-ht atory to1ay that Pta Panlela and Lyt'tt. arraan alara. are to' ba mamad In Us near future nd that ngagamni ta an- noun1 early nt week by Mr-Pbillia Pamela, another of tha motion pk-lure aHreee Clemenceau Confined To Home With Grippa- JURIS.

Jan. JS. i CTmencn. CarrKxia French tuna rrainter, (haa bean Con.n-1" txwna fr daja w-tfti IH'e- tUJ) umnLK soiatii 1JCVNX. Uaoa (API-frank Hagyard and hu clerk know hi door ia not a door.

Ca a rcni trip lhy ware unabJ to laa their car at their deetlnalion and were forced to drttra back la Inoi. where a macbaaic removed ona of locked doore ta raleaaa th IXOkl TTCri atcpe -ij-jTa-tk apt-. fcth aut LUCKY TIG KT? RENTALS TERMS LEASES 598 Briitol, Tenn. A WE. f77V lmiaaaaaaaaaKal urea FIRE xr-wwiL LIFE CASUALTY INS.Va" ACCIDENT INS.

ipim.inniiM io non i it. am numtr of rela'vrt attending Ih reunion anil official htivr rn ori)- in pruviie fur isanig bita Mole! roomi hv Iwan itars" and pnvata at iH.orn hn urjd to rl'i th ai.i rocanji Mora than 40 in-rt of th liMri tfrm.1 'amily ara rupr-i'rd to nint.it 'ic r'ffimaia ttTnaii), it i ann1 "ia r'bratior( in Jnua'i TT. but an many formr rffi myal houaahold appiird fir to py (ntjr ftapta U.n' in tntira tr aj net 1 tutth hat fur tha iinnr in ohuh furmer ruJar ha rordut tr fair a.nr taatnf up rat'ir. HhW Uiair hord'ri Tht trularly ttftr that nofninji iunnf tha rom r-or Shelby at Sixth Phona Uturb lha fan lv t. th.

om-tan lhair eu rwuittry and of tha Th aama dra'ra ia ajLVMiaitnn It by tha ai-kaiaar, ho tha atan lardiJi'inn rk an-j ruaal that drmmutrart affnM tmaar.J rn.nr. na'um bo. oaJ(y onriif I at th p-i'1- 'f'loB-- jCanuin Uhntnirit. of Waah- Tb rafuHi'an rovarntn ''U'nti tn l- u.a.ns I'a'fl. rondt-fJarwany la put part urt r.t i ih 4 a rra.njArjTT of usjin- enaa la rbat IU toina up-at tba ayatem.

Too much "doalng." ap-riaJly la Use ca of children till further clielurba tie and ahoull avoided eice-pt on aKlc of a phvel-claa. WAa VaroRuh ta ar-e rlajty yajuabki baraaa tt aa apphad enamaJly, and ao can uad frlr without up! ting the moat deirat -1 IAH Scion Wealthy Milwaukee, Family Enten Court Under Guard STATE WILL DEMAND A DEATH PENALTY Plea Of Insanity Anticipated From Defense Prosecution Has Signed Statement From Boy ATIjANTA. 1 -AP) Oaoraa Harah fotanaf efud'nt at l'niart. and avion of a ataJihy Milauko. fttnt on trial hta aavHng of WlUari M't'h.

tflf ho -a fatally woundad diir.n'i a hU1i laat ix totKr HarW orfa4 lo th l- tllat he ahot Smith han hald up tha ar.irf ator. II Hwnvlv Riid illn a Lao a format- etolant at o.lHhorra. i to ftH Jan-uar Harah aa Wou.M into tha court immi uvW fuar. aarty tl h- Mi. tioorfa Haxatl.

jr, and hi aia'rr, Mt J. Dlvi-aat, I roa from Harah aaa atatad Mrs iiar-1 Kmnh outhfai ld of tv nun ia with a wk.ii 4 t'i i-nsonar aa 'a. r4 In the pourt rtx.n Mm bajn ta soft!) a. aJ- t.od in dp mournin TTi S'a'a annnunrad uld th dat! ixotal'f A rla of im from tht 1'riii irral ar i-l i ha rviad by t-olh Mtta lUijkin, hoa-i nj th a-ution. hj in hji toMKw-I t.t a tn4 ttanant front Harah sa-al hoiduj-a and tao n.

in i onnr(n Uiaralih and nanri at titf cofrtpwiion Ut itrn.j nimrs. I Ha-vi fdfidrd an aliota tanilh and It i Ujf in ha aa itf wiided. I To Jurora-J Y', l-arrell. rail-' rou oiachanl'- and 1. Waliafa.

fa mrr -ra tfor tha r.rtt panrl a rvhauatad aitar tha had tirrruaad thrta of and th aian to of Hats't t'hrd tb jur inttrit!) hil hie inn'hrr atrvifflrd to fight tear aa th atataa tttonify roilad nut thnr hallang to rath Jury lanlilat on th, penally. Th nail to pajitla prwJucad lhi ntorr Jurora Thry (r (J'jH' 1. I'un in, lothing aalaa-tTMii, I ea'aaman, and i. It, Moonay. Insurant a agrnt.

ZERO WEATHER CONTINUES. IN I U. Little Likelihood of Freez- ing Temperatures Leaving Before Another Day At Least "tft'AGO. Jn H-tAD-Zero aeartng a aal of enow, (ni'inued her una eit mi vult to 'm'll A-nerl- with IHU likrVhoo.1 of her leaving for day a' t'nit covered mot of th mtd-1 masking t'-v pavemanta tn Uia In'ie arv blKking and IhiSlna in lha open country, Mk Ikalha i Th'ie ei )tlf a dn.en (bath i ititrmtabi l' be and In-IntimMaVia a-vklrnl tm of thna rili ally Injured In automobile In ChhS a ti Kf-liifT. ieatr on hratra leader and entertainer.

Ilia akull waa frac. i ar. 1 I Tenptiura fought Uta-'r Iftom niptv N'i Punday nmht jto a tiigh of nine above nlrfc'. i then began gradual d'op Itt keep-i inff th prediction "alUlitly Iroltler" ItKla) rlatnj- tm-(prtnluiw prouniw-l frr (tirough -1 oat of tha tnld-I mt.vt flu- livh anoifaJl in Chicago joffrrel a anou traffic ptottlam Ton of an" war removed from nt-" (hit!) Ing atrta, ltuerr, afftir le-t treei hermuv trav-el I A Chtaao end Northei'ern tftailrotad engineer waa klilrl In a anni plow at Mmnaauta Jutu'ltin, Vl. after a tlaapergt atruggia In aliHh he liuitg 1o the rlow ftM-mm than aen miiea Itefor finally dtnitping evliauata.1 In 111 mhlrl.

ini To fU'hemten loit for vraJ dayi on lk buperlor have not hern found, but ihre otheia. muva-ing aim ThurwUy on lk ttr IffcUy al Charlr. voH IIl1i, having been bv -oaw At Mllauk th oM I-am in aute Unt a a-ht1ul-l hockey 'gam hw to postponed Ikilot freezing thr wtia ported a far amnh Arkanaai ttit II wa tha htti In renlral atatr that look th brunl of lha rold North I'akola aivl VI-uituiin i-ointa Ianitra-tuta avemaing around ifht ltw tr l.wii ii.jrlit uiicAt.t) ntTTr.ii CHK'AUO. Jan. 15.

Ir higher recalpta 14 4 41 tuba; ciaaiuMv tr 41 1-4 tuidrd ti 1 4 hlghaf faara, eira flrwt t0T f1rt 1H at KILLING MAR MIDDLE I tha naa of King Caorgf a li'nta. la tha opinion of ('apt 0. W. T. (Jarrod of london Ha Itt Mm-phia attanding tha National Aaaa.

tlatlon of Ira and Clean on- vantion. Tha figltah, aald, ar far N-hind tha Arnarr-ana In tha maltr of cltanlnj- and d)Lng their clothe. "Thay ara mora eonae-nalMt." lha Captaina opinion. "Thay haa not bn educated to ar freahly prtaaad trouaar ai all timaa. hut a ara taavhing then an.t the) (iarrotM managing ill-trtor of CMntern that oiratfa IT i leaning planu in Kngland.

JACK DEMPSEY TAKE5UPTEX RICKARDREINS Former Heavyweight Champion To Ccmplete Details For Stribling-J Sharkey Bout M'. IV'i li Vi'M. KH Jan. -Af)- Jatk nrniftery t-lay a.turly to-k up tha rfnot'On rmj drtrl by blj frlnd, the lata Ti llvkrl. land announced to ul! tlota'ls of Cir havyeiht el -rimat tin pght ir Tebruary lten i Sharkey of IV! an VHinc Jl ng of Macm.

Uatiorro Arrtx etrila fiwi Nam York. l. ha r-iad tha man-oe" Ma.ljtn tuar OaJden of-' ft -'a to arrangeiinanta for tha Imut, rha i-rriimnanea of ahki hi I tn of1i-i out by krd hi death bar two aeeka th ftntner bvywrV dam-, pawl ftund ftrtrarlf a buay man tn Ith ro' of p'omtter plnnd to confar tth Jhn MadLon Pnuara (iardan at-l fig aipori. ho ma rt-i d'jr. Ung ti iay to amentia Uv etra--.

jtion of aiamla to atat lO.CM antarta-it-ma arunt lUckafd Kenna) oal a'hera th arena will j.lt. at lha ocean and Cry, vu-radnt and tiaaurar of th Garden Corporation. Hi her tomorrow Ona of Denrpaoy a taaau today waa to make of tra.n-j Ing --tr)p atea tor Bharkay arid -ntxwa cooirart cU Hhm to rport bar Keniary 1, BASKETBALL Big Ten Championship Rett Between Purdu And Michigan By PAIL H. MlfkflJiON Aaeoclaied Praaa Nrta Writer OtICAOO. Jan AD-Th big tan tatakirU champlonihlp tola-, appearei lo ri rwan Tur-due and Mkhlgan with only two other tem.

Wiaconain and Iowa. on. e-id an outlet change When tha amoke dard from laat nighle five battiaa. all ta other, including Indiana, aermal loot by th erajaid lAl bv "t3tru Vurphy. who broke all conference acorlnf rac-orda by loping eight field goeU and lfl fr-a throw, Purdue ran It a'rlng of lctorlea to four by awamplng Chw-ago 14 to II 'hlle Mkhlgaji kept par at the top by edging out lllino4a 11 to 17 In a great defenalve belt! l-onaln retnalnetl in th far aj a three' uitoettlnj Indiana to Th" vkttM-y, held rh Radgera In third place with Lhr tctorte.

and ona defeat Iowa ran tta mark lo lo vhtort and on defeat lv overa'helmtng Mmneaota I to U. hHe North trn final. got atartad and rltmmed Chio Stl'a oharwee) by bumping the Huikey! :7 to 14, Nonhweatern previoualy had lot 4hre itratght liune.t It oaj, Ohio tttat a -ond ilefeat in four confer batt Ministers Approve Proposed Five-Day State Marriage Law MEMPHIS Jan ll-fAD-Th Methodiat Mm.aiera Aaa-xialinn haa voted ai-proval of th propftoei fivo-dav marriage for Tnn. aa, and the Memph.a nilnlatr' an doreennt will ctwnmupkatad to th grneral ambly at Njh-vlll MfCll MtillTlNG IN 1Nfl nKHAWAH In lm. Jan.

(API Neai froiti Kabul that after a lull, fnhtlng on th outaklrla of tha capital of jet an haa begun on a aie, It not knon brr ho th varloua tribee rtd nea of Inayatullaha acteaaton to the Ihrone (Advlraa from Saw Delphi lo.la InHcatatl dial an bad hn agreed upon afier tha abdiia-lion of King Amanuileh )aienl i ai. WEATimt MtntyLnNt, tN ritANCUXU Jan. ATt wathc wwa nio.lrallng In (aj. today afiar 14 boura of ohll-ling toint.ralurra All day ir. day and until eavrly houra hj rooming Uia mercury flucstuatad -twn and 41 tn lb rn-U-al part of th fttla fan Joa and tacramnto rVM-tel the ejft lemftorktiir, Ihoaa araaa fattlmii Hi lntr to th tun III do, ret.

tnny eorpa fnai ho loal tbasr hi a i-iaii caah at M4. diUn. Pa Aa fVir nrplanrt of tha anmjr osarttMd in a fiva-rhlp tor-ma' km tha (tn of ona of ha tiip iih Miai nd era, tha of ttia va mn bunt tn Aiimjt.jn SUionaJ -Uh hmvorn A aji'ant aie-rtry of Ar vvn. atcwnniwj by ha a da. Uamnnt loafer Matlland, nMt.f army tl-kt lio fw arrna tha Pacific tj Mtnolulu, of tha N''y Warjiar, i (thtrg.

of a1f(Hi, rnt M)ArWnrai K. rhlif tha Aimy Air Oirpa. at." th i i-wvju, (ct.) aj ft mva by I'hailiuna nr inj-hn iid Ualtrr ROAD BUILDERS HEAR ADDRESS BY COWPTON Construction of Highways Now Concernt All Nation And It Inter-national Proposition Jan Af'l imii.imj a re )eeri ago rnn- rnd the count. eiiy. att and nation.

rolav 11 cn. emu nat 1 thcrffur, wnm, prot'osition an in an aldrtna hr at th npnin; tha ISth annua) Aao lattnn The i.n i.j (lou pc faoon h(Haa I. nL IC from oi another la rtt-atly t. riM'ot inrimrni of thi f.T triaLnt mil, mutual t- nd f-f rrcaiinj- rom, ti rr ai on Ha of )rni w.K.vrr lo lha Nmth anH fn'r Amarlca all to th nioirmant i. ouairu 'ion "or, on tbf hiOia a and "i' UI hata a c.f.t "''''r nf 'at naj, eyr i or t.

or-1 naun h.s.. traffir, an) Th frlt il hi tv 'j'' unlet tff i nt- (it-f. r.s'an I O' It i i.f i.tji Additional Patrolmen For Atlanta Suggested VI l.W I tan i (AT) efiip'oxnant of 'amen (oil a in', Vi, fi t.r trnejn'll -e ni poll' ft 1 'IrtlMl l'en er it' a 'it a t- I I VJ 1 11 'I'e It I 11 a te-. a t-T mm t'tan'a lui rrni avaiiabl f-r and it! 't'-'innli fit Ita'ft- duty in i nt jram keep ih fofv 'ti ro-nt I tt ii ait'i'l nuinbar that i femtsnlng 'e vna.la. Il.iia t-i i-o; HMh unlern or ll and thjv rt nt i rlti he ttf 'Krhooi hil tien mu' -url and f'si lo or thrf a ea dav th tit) nl ejiirn ef ti hir brU re in ha hert of Jm It 'tt tr.jj dialrn-i ar ef! at 'h ho pt i e-ir'elv 1ti: tln eiiien e.Meei'j.1 'a 'b4t fi-h'Jol ihit'n rnn I iiiKfitnin Ikii aufelv Two Women Released From Nat.

Leproiairum t. HINiiTtiN. Jan V) per of lha PJbl lleaHh h'ertt. M-wever, Itrfh hv-i ri-tuin ft-r aiml-annual ejamiitivt i.n -1 tr nj I net It nttntthv II mth tun of the -inn a ho ili Uv bar tinot in Jviiui ajta, ha ren un Irr trralriinnt f.vr lein f. )ai.

Tl' other, Ito a ill rrtirni t-ai- b'rna in Mum a.ljtitl, bna I undi-r lrtmeiit tl (rr lloth. health off it 11 1 ain miff rtiratl to Ita (ttrnftf liiene t.l p'lbitc t-ltt. th lertrrwejliMTi aa orni a Vm a I- in- it MartLa an from th itiaeuaa I'aeel, itnv one of r-n ri-'urrtH f.w I real. oirnl. (OTTOV MUthl.T Sr.W VotiK.

i', Cotton uiM.r.l n. i it ia a i. Una of 1-inl unlr reahung nd aouthern Bil WM l-)lver prtttintad bv thw Indifferent ahoaing of J.iver-po.il AHr eanni ff (,, -njj fr Mnh and lt for July prtea on a rettenal Mrh aoi.t i ft4t Jul) making net ofabou' I (o 1 p-tini The volume of eojjl. nr-Jt. laprrrtl off Xl'l tllf nta4" iM qu el at the eii, of th ftra Iiitur.

li wim inuiiai, mri'imfnt i 'fa rtpyni ui ntiMi I nr ftrtniv abhuhcl th. sv.i tn ttnptf tctt lilon off ni ra n. 'an prtj 'hrin into oiro rdom I f.irM-M tha National Association Dyers And Cleaners Meet 1 MtMI'HlS. Jan I i Pi Iwep'y a-onl tnnnl meo'icii of tha National 0f 1- ra and tlf-atier mt hr.e tv1.i, I'J daaratei fmn ti 'ha I'niiad f'ta'eg 11.1 i tndni the wrlroniir.t a it a ant rtrponvea a brief i'tioitl ej Mrt. fur inmhrt who had dtrj lupri taet tear n.nduiel William f'tirfer of "Stw'.

''Ifv The prtniral of ih-'av 1 dellverr.l hv V. IM I Munphli. 1 1 a iire-l tr it itf I mi I ni'- Mates Chadil.r of Vi tnerr. f-'rnk A Wellar of Pharon, Pa I of tha exaltation, iji mentional r-rornlnntl a a U' for r-la A atrtuii a being- agi4 heiTert db 'inni fnrwn Nw Orteana Wt Hi 1. Ind, Mlnnaapoln.

Iienvee ait lorontn, ihnu for lb I'll ronvrn tlftt. Important Advances In Feminist Movement i i How best to use Vicks VapoRub A PTevcntive 1. IT. Several times a H1 aln melt a As day. inseH Vicks up the nos- A IT NYJ tXJN.

Jail )i il'l (Hi- rr of t.o t.ft.en imrxwaot advaii.ao in I'lMivi-n a' faminit irnxvenM-nt d'jinf H.a ft f. aa'hnr. tol tear wrw CHH Miea M.i.l bowl of boiJing water and inhale the steaming medicated vapors. 2. If a Cold Starts If possible, jto home and go to bd.

Apply I'M wet towels over throat and until the skn is thoroughly reddened. Then rub vigorously with Vicks. Spread on thickly and cover with wsrm flannf le the bed covering loose, ao that the vapors, rC ascd by the body-warmth, may be freely i. aled. At the same time, Vicks acts through the kin like a poultice.

Repeat this treatment every four hourn. eat lightly, and May in bed until the cold ia broken. Complete rest helps the body to throw off the cold more quickly, 3. After A Flu Attack Physicians advise that the chief danger In this epidemic Is after Influenza. Then, more than ever, co*kis attacking the weakened system may lead to bronchitis, ninus-lrouble or pneumonia.

This is especially true of children or old folk. Heed even the slightt-st cold as a danger -signal and treat it promptly without little nitrht and momtrikr in nor? i VapoRud Jr Every 24 Houril I TIT' 375,000 tion, lar-ulrr aTtiy of (hi Nat loual nriun Party, in tiw an. hiiaj rapot-t (o lb National Coun- II whk today convnoed hot The. a a hlevernenta, ah aaid, vietv the ortt un t4 the Inter-Amntan ttertmlaaloti of monien aiwl th ri.iAj iMa aa a natlonaJ laoiia in the pieal-il-ritial tamiialgn Sore Throat? Don't Gargle! SJ Quicker end Better Relief With Famoui Preacription I Ion I uffr from tha pant and aoranuMi of or llirwl cat ilea and Jvi are loo fio -)- icI bms only teinporarlly. It tj I Thoiin, fwnoua ph)aun piax.riptioii.

la guaranied to feiiaf a rin et Ui- aianil)'. Tho'na hat a dnili.a a-tiun-r. ilva th aoreneaa and iii djr't to th Inlatual rauee No (Jilro-form, Iron or olhar harmful tlrtig aafe and piatil th bola famUT- A lo wontlarMiy ffartv far raHeTlng rnngha guirk ratlef or rour monay bat lie, and 1191 Hald by Hunt-lin and all otbr r'xid diu t-a 1918-. And Now In the pre" epIdacBle aa In ll Vkke la proving to the family etandhy In nitlliona of home a. a n-reaa4 equipment It I again nrery lo lha labwralorlea night end day..

Evening Herald Courier from Bristol, Tennessee (2024)
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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.