. Jne 'Jfoun&' a3ugfe - NCIWC - [PDF Document] (2024)

. Jne 'Jfoun&' a3ugfe





Jane Kit Christie John Hays


Marilyn Shaw , Karen Corriea Janet Souza, Gary Winiger, Terry Burchett


Belle Hays P.O.Box 108

Comptche,CA 95427


Dear Members, Recently came back from my nineteenth year of benching at the Cow Pal­

ace dog show. As usual it was an enjoyable two days of Wolfhound talk, seeing old friends and meeting new Wolfhound enthusiasts. Also had a productive club meeting.

At the meeting, we had a discussion about providing activities for non-showing members. Carol Gabriel will be sending out information on the St. Patrick's Day Parade in San Francisco. Our annual fun match and pot-luck luncheon will be held May 21st at the Souza home in Woodside. Whether you show or not, consider coming with your dog - or dogs - and meet some more Wolfhound owners. All Wolfhound owners love to talk about their fur persons. You may even discover someone who lives close to you who shares your love of IW's. Why jog alone with your IW? Meet another IW jogging team.

Our secretary, Jane Kit Christie, will be happy to mail you a three page list of books and magazines about IW 1 s. She can also send a list of phone numbers for officers and board members.

The club is for all IW lovers whether they show or not. Please drop me a note about what kinds of activities you would like provided for you. We need your input so we can best serve all of our members.

Our next meeting will be held April 22nd at Carol and Ken Gabriel's home in Novato after the judging in San Rafael. Please forward your re­quests to me so we can discuss them at this meeting.

Looking forward to attaching some faces to the names on the mailing 1 ist.

Best wishes,

Suzanne McCombs

P.S. In case you misplaced them, the addresses are:

Pres. - Suzanne Mccombs Sec. - Jane Kit Christie P.O.Box 504 247 Belford Place Anderson, CA g5007 Vacaville, CA 95688

* * * * * * * * * Notes from the Secretary

The 12/87 meeting of AKC Delegates voted to reject the proposed rule change which would have eli minated the BOW award & required one major to be earned after the dog was 18 months of age.

The recent Diamond Feed/ProDiet advertisem*nt was mailed by me to all NCIWC member households after receipt of postage-paid brochures. The mailing list itself was not released.

The club, via Pres ident S.McCombs, will be receiving a compl i ­mentary copy of a new AKC videotape "Dealing with Misconduct" aimed at assisting Show Committee members in appropriately handling exhibitor probl ems .

IW Assoc of Delaware Valley has again offered to publish NCIWC's 1989 Specialty Show date in next year's IW calendar.

Jane Ki t Christi e 2/11/88

Northern california I rish Wolfhound Club

FEBRUARY 7, 1988 NCIWC Board Meeting


The meeting was called to order at 11:00 AM by President Suzanne Mccombs . Due to the Secretary ' s absence , minutes were taken by Karen Corri ea. Members present : Marilyn Shaw, Joan Sanford, Gary Winiger , Lynne Rosebrock, Nancy Aiken, Terry Burchett , Donald Cate, Richard Heskett, Larry Worel, Carol Gabriel , Mary Major , Margaret Marcellino , Joan Trifeletti, Bel l e & John Hays, Russ Greene , Karen & Ken Correia; and guest Deborah Walters .

Secretary ' s Report : The report was not given due to the absence of Jane Kit Christie (she had previously called Suzanne Mccombs to give her report) . The minutes from the last meeting were accepted as printed in the Bugl e.

Membership Report : Four new membersh i p applications were read and accepted -- Michael R. Sheehan, Jim & Brana Holderby, Libby &

Vincent Carra, and Jacqueline L. Robertson. Welcome all! Treasurer's Report : Present balance is $7662 . 47 . John Hays

will send insurance information to Jane Kit Christie. The premium is $280. The co-assurance of $56 is due in April 1988 . Motion to approve payment made by John Hays , 2nd by Nancy Aiken . Carried .

1988 Specialty Report : Show date is Saturday, September 17, 1988. Committee Chairmen are :

Show Chairman - Carol Gabriel Catalog Advertising - Russ Greene Ring Setup/Ground Maintenance - Ken Gabriel Auction/Raffle - Linda Souza Hospitality - Penny Bel-Worel Banquet - Joan Trifeletti Ring Stewards - Tracy Major & Deana Worel Photography - Ken Corriea Lure Coursing - Dusty McReynolds

A new superintendent was mentioned by Carol Gabriel. Th i s was tabled until the next meeting.

A motion by Nancy Ai ken to lower the entry fee for Veterans from $15 to $10 was seconded by Suzanne Mccombs. The motion was amended by Lynne Rosebrock lowering fee to $7 . 50. Amended motion seconded by Mary Major and passed.

Marilyn Shaw recommended that Dick Jump be hired to videotape the 1988 Specialty. He requires a minimum of ten tapes at $35 per tape, or a flat rate of $250. The recommendation to have Dick Jump videotape the Specialty was Moved and Passed. (Contact Marilyn to place an order.)

NEW BUSINESS : Penny Bel - Worel brought a flyer announcing "Control of Genetic Disease" seminars on Sat 3/19 @U. C.Davis (in­depth discussion of all areas) and Sun 3/ 20 @ Hayward/Union City Holiday Inn (shortened review of seminar in connection with an applications workshop) . Speaker i s Dr. George A. Padgett, patholo­gist at Michigan State Uni v Col l ege of Vet Medicine . Fee $10/day. Call 415-941 - 7848 . [flyer w/map avail from Secy for sase. J

A letter was received from the AKC recommending that show­gi vi ng clubs seriously consider their own policies on t he que.stion


of whether or not c 1 ub officers or show offi ci a 1 s & members of their households should exhibit at their club ' s shows . Nancy Aiken moved that i t would be al l right for any committee member to enter & show their dog except for the person who is res pons i b 1 e for judges ' transportat i on, dinner, etc . Motion seconded by Mary Major and passed .

1989 Specialty: Voting results of judge selections: Breed Sweeps

1. Fran Shaw 1. Jessie Kelley 2. Diane Koontz 2. Pat Hillyard 3. Derek Rayne 3. (tie) Kelly Cromer

3. (tie) Betty Ann Stenmark Fun Match : The spring fun match will be held at the Souzas' on

May 21st. The following judges will be asked: Kelly Cromer or Betty Ann Stenmark since Sweeps #2 above judged last year .

Decade Book: Gary Winiger reported that it was progressing well ·& should be available sometime in April 1988 . A motion was made to order 200 books ; seconded by Marilyn Shaw and passed .

Club Pins will be one inch round with a gold/green wreath & IW head in black or green. The "sample" pin will cost $50 (partial credit allowed if actual order pl aced in timely manner). Motion by Ly nne Rosebrock, 2nd by Carol Gabr i el to order the sample ; Passed . Pin wi ll be viewed at the next meeting . Manufacturing costs quoted: 100 pins-$1.80 ea ; 300 pins -$ 1.10 ea ; 500 pins-$0.90 ea .

Specialty Lure Trial: Mo Akin offered to bri ng his lure equip­ment at no charge. Motion by Suzanne Mccombs that the club pay for his room Saturday night ; 2nd by Mary Major ; Passed. Trial Chmn Dusty McReynolds wi ll handle his reservations.

Meeting Schedu l e: A motion was made to change the February meeting at the Cow Pa l ace to the day that the !Ws are judged, or to change it to the Santa Cl ara show date. Motion was tabled and will be di scussed at the next meeting.

Th e next meeting will be held the Saturday of the Wine Country Show. A notice wi ll be sent to the membership regarding time and place.

St Patrick ' s Day Parade: Carol Gabriel will be send ing notifi­cat i ons to the general membership regarding time and place . The Parade date is Sunday, March 13th, 1988 .

A critique was recei ved from Ji ll Bregy on our 1987 Specialty and wi ll be published in the next Bugle.

Pat Hillya rd complimented on how much she enjoyed doing our 1987 Fun Match to Marilyn Shaw.

Richard Hes kett wou ld like to discuss the way that judges are se l ected for our Specialty . Due to lack of time, this discussio n was t ab l ed until the next meeting .

Th e meeting was adjourned at 12 :1 5 PM . Respectfully submitted ,

Karen Corriea, Acting Secy

Ventura County Dog Fanciers Judge: Charles E. Trotter

BOB-Ch Castlemaine Josephine - Shaw BOS,BOW,WD-Arntara Keystone Lionel - Arn/Elzer WB-Summerfield Sauje Du Mort - Montgomery

Rio Hondo KC Judge: Dr . Richard F. Greathouse


January 24,1988

January 30,1988

BOB-Ch Truland 01 Darby of Bonnie Brae - Mitchell BOS-Ch Kellcastle Liam Sir Hegh - Kyle BOW,WB-Moscail Bridie 01 Castlemaine - Doyle WD-Sunstag Joss - Hirsch RWD-Summerfield Tukon of Heartsong - Temple RWB-Kenna of Limerick - Souza

Orange Empire Dog Club Judge: Langdon Skarda

BOB-Ch Castlemaine Josephine - Shaw BOS-Ch Kellcastle Liam Sir Hegh - Kyle BOW,WB-Moscail Bridie O'Castlemaine - Doyle

Golden Gate KC Judge: Mrs. Eugene C. Urban

BOB-Ch Castlemaine Josephine - Shaw BOS-Ch Geantraighe of Limerick - Bel-Worel BOW,WB-Sidhe Clooty of Gilla Machree - Heskett WD-Connemara 1 s Finn of Rathkeale - Wandruff RWD-Fleetwind Brogan - Brazelton/Thomasson RWB-Major Acres Mandeegh - Trifeletti/Major

January 31,1988

February 6 & 7,1988


Santa Clara Valley KC February 14,1988 Judge: Dr. B.W.Ziessow

BOB-Ch Oakwoods Farley - Sanford BOS-Ch Castlemaine Josephine - Shaw WO-Seamus Cagney of Tara Hts.- Tara WB-Tory Beauty of Limerick - Burchett RWD-Connemara's Finn of Rathkeale - Wandruff RWB-Kenna of Limerick - Souza

6 CRITIQUE by Judge Jill Richards Bregy of the

Northern California Irish Wolfhound Club Specialty on September 12 , 1987 - Santa Rosa , CA .

Puppy Dog 6-9 mos . 1st-Major Acres King Thom*ond, A very handsome puppy, moving well . Nice outline and balance. Lovely sweep of stifle . Very well collected. Nice ear carriage. Good attitude. Nice top line . Nice rise over the l oin. Moving a little bit close in the rear, but he is a puppy and I am sure that will come right around.

2nd-Aragorn Fitheach of Misty Isle, Another very handsome puppy, ex­tremely tall,_having a little bit of a problem getting his legs togeth­er today . He tends to pace. He is very pretty, has a very nice coat and lovely rear. Beautiful going away, very nice sweep of stifle and just the right amount of angulation that you want to see at this time . He is a little bit tied in the front but that may very well correct itself as he gets himself together .

3rd-Binsrath Pippin 0 Barra Gwynn , A very nice puppy although a little smaller than the others . Nice outline . He just won't try to move but in the few steps he did take he appeared to be pretty sound . I think with a little training he very well may work into a nice dog . He is in tough competition today .

Puppy Dog 9-12 mos . 1st-Major Acres Kylemore, A very tall puppy. Beautiful outline . He has a lovely topline . A lot to recommend him . He is a little overdeveloped in the back muscle of the scapula and although he has an easy gait, this overdevelopment is causing him to move a little bit wide in the front . This is not too unusual in some dogs and may very well correct . Overall , easy, sound movement .

Puppy Dog 12- 18 mos . 1st and Reserve Winners Dog-General Gunner of Buloach Cu , A very nice dog. He has beautiful balance, a very nice coat , and moves beautifully . He has absolutely lovely front movement . He moves a little close in the rear, but is still very sound . He has a lovely sweep of stifle. Overall a very good dog.

2nd-Bailebrae Summerfield Tur Og , Another ve ry nice dog, not as wel l balanced as the wi nner . He is simply in that 12 to 18 month period . He is still a very handsome dog, moves with a lot of po wer , but not as sound coming and going as #1 .

3rd-Desti ny Mulryan O'Mohr, Another very nice dog, similar in outline to #2 but without the power and driv e t hat the# 2 dog has . He is a little block y in the head and has a light eye but still has a lovely coat and a lot to recommend him .

1 CRITIQUE cont 1 d

4th-Kellcastle 1 s Mic E Brea, Another beautiful outline, very similar to the first place dog . His problem is that he has a tendency to toe in on the move. Still a very handsome dog, but that wide toeing in is just not sound enough to place him above where he is in this cl ass despite his quality .

NOVICE DOG lst-Allstock 1 s Rambling Beau , Quite a nice dog, actually . Cobby and powerful. He is quite overweight and a little heavy in the head for me but he has a ni ce ear . He ~oves soundly and powerfully with a lot of purpose . He is a little forward in the shoulder assembly. Has a nice deep chest and manages to move very well in the front. Lovely bend of stifle . At this point in his class, he seems to be snatching his hock but that may be because he is straining so against his handler to go faster .

Bred by Exhibitor Dog 1st- Summerfield Sage Rollin , Quite a nice dog . Nice coat . Very fr ee side movem ent and while a little loose in the front, he handles him­self very well. A very handsome dog with a lovely greyhound outline and nice deep chest . Would prefer to see more rise over the loin.

2nd-Hilltop's Calamity Kelly , This dog is overweight which takes away from his outline but is a very big handsome dog . A wonderful deep chest , beautiful low hock, lots of sweep of stifle and a lovely front. Overall, not as sound as the first place dog , but i t is a close thing between them.

3rd-Omar V. Herman Kong, A very pretty dog . Lovely coat. He has a nice way of goi ng around but he is a little snatchy in his movement. He is terribly overweight and this certainly is affecting his gait . I would like to see a littl e more depth of chest , and I think taking off at least 15 pounds would probably change the whole look of the dog. He has a lo t of s tyle to him . He i s ju st very res tricted in his mo vement and that is why he places third .

4th-Kelley Glen's Dalma of Sidhe, Another lovely outline with nice substance . Nice head and expression and lovely personality. His basic problem is a lack of angul ation above a loose hock wh i ch causes him to stand with hi s rear under him self . He i s not comfortable mov i ng. To recommend him, he has a lovely shoulder an d ni ce deep ches t. Overall, a nice dog who will probably strengthen up in t he hock area with age.

American Bred Dog lst-Bailebrae the Huntsman, A dog with lots of depth to him, moving evenly and powerfully . Not quite the sweep of stifle that I would like to see. He tends to get a littl e overan xiou s on the move and carry his tail up.

8 CRITIQUE cont'd

2nd-Major Acres Donegal Bay, This dog has just the kind of outline I

like to see. Beautiful balance. He just isn't getting his rear to­

gether today. In the end, there are two equal dogs in the ring and 69 goes up with

sounder movement while 31, who has an outline which I slightly prefer,

is simply not up to the win on this day.

Open Dog 1st- and Winners Dog-Arntara Keystone Lionel, This is a class with a

lot of quality but this dog has just the outline I like, coupled with

very sound movement. He has beautiful balance, and a lovely greyhound

shape. Although a little forward in the shoulder, he handles his front

beautifully. He has a lovely head and while one might wish for a few

more furnishings, he has got a lovely crisp coat. Beautiful angle to

his croup. It goes right off of the correct topline and accounts for

his correct angulation below. Wonderful depth of chest.

2nd-Oakwoods Farley, Another extremely handsome dog. I would like to

see a little more length of leg in relation to the length of back to

give him more correct proportions, along with a little more depth of

chest. Still an exceptionally handsome dog, with powerful movement that earns him 2nd in this class.

3rd- Meadowbrook Rhys Arrogance, A very handsome dog again with that

same wonderful outline that the number one dog has. Beautiful propor­

tion of length of back to length of leg. Wonderful expression and type

but not as powerful and easy in his movement as the first two.

4th-Major Acres Macallen, A dog who has that same beautiful greyhound

outline. Not in good coat condition. Beautiful head and expression

and nice ear but not totally correct in his front movement but sound

enough to carry himself well. A little shy in the ring but it doesn't

deter you from examining him. All in all a very lovely dog in a nice class of dogs.

WINNERS DOG goes to the Open Dog. A lovely dog with beautiful balance

and easy movement. Wonderful overall depth and fabulous outline,moving with great purpose.

RESERVE WINNERS DOG to the 12 to 18 months dog. While not as extreme

in outline as the winner, he has perfect balance, lovely depth of ches4

good angulation and a perfect topline. He moves with a beautiful easy movement.

9 CRITIQUE cont'd

Puppy Bitches 6 - 9 mos. 1st-Dayne of Castlemaine, An absolutely beautiful puppy. My gosh, what an outline! Moves beautifully, has that wonderful low hock, a lovely shape with balance, depth of chest and a great head.

2nd-Binsrath Arddun 0 Barra Gwynn, You really have to look at her to see her. She is being such a pill today. However, she has a lovely topline and shape and that is what takes her to 2nd.

3rd-Major Acres Queen Grianne,A bitch that is a little bit longer in the back. Still a very lovely bitch. Doesn't have the overall sweep and low hock that the others have, although she still has plenty there. Another very nice bitch but without the dynamic shape of the first two.

4th-Major Acres Mairgret Bailey, This bitch could have gone first in almost any other class. A very outstanding bitch. A little forward in the shoulder which is making her topline go off a bit, but that may change as she pulls together. She has beautiful angulation, low hock and moves faultlessly.

Puppy Bitches 9 - 12 mos. 1st-Powerscourt Windy Hill Star, A very pretty bitch. A lovely outlin~ There is going to be a lot to this bitch. She has a beautiful topline and looks quite good for her age. Lovely balance. If anything, I would fault her on the fact that she tends to move wide in the front. She is a little overdeveloped in the interior muscle of the upper arm which is causing her to move out in the front. Sometimes this improves with age, but overall she has lots of quality and is a nice bitch.

Puppy Bitches 12 - 18 mos. 1st-and Reserve Winners Bitch- Lilliput Ariadne. A very beautiful bitch. Lovely outline, well made with great type and a lovely rise over the loin. Moves like a dream. Hard to fault her. So very nice.

2nd-Kellcastle 1 s Rachael McBrea, This bitch has a lovely shape to her and a low hock. She doesn't have quite the curves of the 1st bitch and is not as smooth in movement but all in all a promising puppy.

3rd-Destiny Melody 01 Mohr, Another very nice bitch. She moves beauti­fully and is well put together. I would like to see a little more length of back for balance but overall a good bitch.

Novice Bitches 1st-Kelsey of O'Shawnasey, Lovely side gait but moving off both coming and going. Nice body shape but I would like to see more length of leg for correct balance. Nice head and expresssion.

1 8 CRITIQUE cont'd

2nd-Allstock 1 s Yvonne Rose, I thought a lot about giving first to her in spite of the fact that she was very unhappy in the ring. She has a nice shape to her but is very straight in the upper arm. However over­all I prefer her rear angulation and her movement which is a little sounder than the first place bitch. However, the overall evenness of movement of the #1 bitch won her the class.

Bred by Exhibitor Bitches -Lots of quality in the ring, and in the end, the four bitches that are up here all have very similar outlines - that outline that I am looking for - a beautiful greyhound shape just slightly longer than high with lots of depth of chest. It is a close thing between number one and number two. 1st-Lilliput Yseult, She is an extremely powerful bitch in beautiful condition, moving very soundly with lovely head and expression. Lots of coat. If anythinw, I would like to see just a little more freedom of movement, but over all an outstanding bitch and it is her overall substance and muscle that takes her to number one.

2nd-Major Acres Bantry Bay , Another very beautiful bitch . Great out­line and moving very nicely, but not equal to the first place bitch in substance and muscling . Still, an outstanding bitch, a beautiful topline and lovely sweep of stifle and wonderful low hock .

3rd- Kenna of Limerick , Another bitch with a beautiful outline, lovely coat and beautiful rear . She is not equal to the first two in her front movement or assembly but overall has tremendous quality and is a very worthy bitch .

4th- Ap Rhys Shean Shidhe , A very nice bitch . Doesn't have quite the coat quality of the first three but has a very similar outline . A little bit longer in back than the first three. Her side gait is very sound but not as good as the others in her front movement . Still a lot of quality here .

American Bred Bitches lst-Sidhe Clooty of Gilla Machree , A really lovely bitch reminiscent of the Halcyon bitches . A wonderful outline , deep chest, good coat, nice head, lovely neck and lovel y sweep of s t ifle . Moves very well.

2nd-Su mm erfiel d Savje Dumaont, A very sturdy, cobby bitch with a lovely coat and nice depth of chest . I would like to see a little more r ear to her which I think would tend to drop her topline into the rig ht position , but overall she has lots of quality .

3rd-Kel lc astle Holleigh McBrea, Another ver y nice bitch . She looks like a young one . Lovely outline and low hock, and it was a close thing between these two bitches for second and third . She has lots


~ '

11 CRITIQ UE cont'd

of de pth of chest and nice head and expression. Great attitude. She moves a wee bit wide in the front which places her third but this is in a class of 3 quality bitches .

Open Bitches -A very tough class to judge but in the end I am really pleased with my placements. 1st- and Winners Bitch- Eaglescrag Ionagh. Overall a very lovely bitch of beautiful type, moving very f reely. Lovely coat and abso­lutely beautiful balance, never putting a foot down wrong.

2nd-Niobrara 1 s Kilty of Fairfield, A bitch of enormous quality. love her power and her strength; her tremendous musculature and beautiful balance. She doesn't have the quality of the coat of #1 but that isn ' t what places her 2nd . In the end it is the fact that her front is not reaching and does not move as easil y as the #1 bitch but it is a very close thing . Two top quality bitches, either one could win any class easil y.

3rd-Destiny Secret of Shaw, Very similar in type t o the first place bitch . Not as sound overa ll but her great outline, ease of movement and general type and overall quality win her 3rd in a tough class. She has lovely depth of chest and beautiful ove r all balance.

4th-Ballycruz Olivia, Anothe r bitch of quality but you have to look carefully to really see it. She is a little longer in the back than I would like to see but has overa l l quality and movement and has very nice type. She doesn't have the topline of the first three in the class because of the length of back and her sli ghtly fo rw ard shoulder placement . Nevertheless, a ver y nice bitch.

WINNERS BITCH CLASS - An absolutely spectacular class. It is hard to descr ib e how good these bitches reall y are. There is enormous quality here and you'v e got to get down to re ally fine points to come up with a winner. In the end, it is the Open Bitch, Eaglescrag Ionagh, wh ose beauti­ful type and balance win the cl ass . She has beau t iful balance, ease of movem ent and never puts a foot down wrong. It is a close thing bet ween her and Lilliput Ariadne, the 12-lB month bitch, who goes Reserve. She ha s great quality, ba lance and very powe rful, ground-covering movement. She did not show as well in Winners as she did in her cl ass and thi s takes her to Rese rve. The American Bred, Bred by Exhibitor an d 2nd in Open were separ ate d by on ly a fine line from the two winners. Also, special mention to the 6 to 9 puppy Da yn e of Castlemaine. A spectacular pupp y who sho ul d do well in the future.



Veteran Dogs -Two wonderful veteran dogs in great condition . both very handsome

and worthy of competing in this class. 1st-Ch . Solstrand Fenton of Bailebrae , A hound with a spectacular

outline . Moving well and powerfully. An impressive dog of great

type, in a good fresh coat . His overall type and great presence in

the ring win him the class. 2nd-Ch . Major Acres Iongraidh, another extremely handsome dog . A

little cobbier than the first dog . He is in lovely condition and

moving soundly . He has a very strong topline and nice depth of chest

A very good dog competing against a dog of equal power and quality

who also has the presence and elegance to win the class.

I'm thrille d to have people bring me such wonderful veterans. I feel

very strongly that we shouldn't be showing these unless they can

compete for Best of Breed.

Veteran Bitches -Another lovel y veteran class . Each of these bitches has a lot of

quality. They are all moving well and in good condition. Any one of

them you wou l d be pleased to take into the Specials class.

1st-Ch. Fallen Oak Dana of Major Acres, a very lovely bitch . Moving

like a dream and full of herself. Very sound coming and going. If

anything, I would like to see a little more depth of chest to her

but overall she is a beautiful bitch . 2nd-Ch. Tamarack Diana, She has a beautiful outline , lovely depth

of chest but her shoulder is not quite as good as number one . Over­

all, a wonderful outline , lovely low hock and moving very well .

3rd-Barra Gwynn C1 est Moi Barra Lynn, A lovely bitch, looking her

age but moving right along. She has beautiful hindquarters and we

forgive her topline by virtue of her age .

Best of Breed -What a superb class of hounds . It is rare that you see a specials

class with the depth of quality present today . In the end, it is

between two bitches, Ch.Castlemaine Josephine and Ch . Arntara Meadow­

brook Hex. Two bitches of outstanding quality; both sbsolutely gorg

eous, but as different as night and day. Finally, the very smooth

shoulder placement and correct muscling coming off the neck onto the

shoulder, coupled with her extremely powerful movement take Ch .

Castlemaine Josephine to Best of Breed . Hex is simply superb moving with beautiful head car r iage and possess­

ing a great out li ne and sound movement. Two great bitches!!



Best of Winners goes to Arntara Keystone Lionel, in many respects similar to the Best of Breed bitch Josephine. He has lovely type, beautiful depth of chest and excellent balance. An outstanding dog and a particularly good win when one considers the tremendous qual ­ity of the Winners Bitch.

Best of Opposite Sex goes to Ch. Solstrand Fenton of Bailebrae. A lovely dog in perfect condition and moving very well at the end of the class, after a rather logy start. This dog has wonderful pres­ence and this takes him to this win over some outstanding competi­tion. In particular, special mention should be made of two very fine specials males who were in the final competition. Ch . Celtic Winds Erinwood Apollo and Ch. Tory Kyle of Limerick . Two dogs of outstan­ding quality.

Best Puppy is Dayne of Castlemaine . A very beautiful bitch who fault­lessly covers ground and has just the right substance and curves for her age.

Stud Dog 1st-Ch . Major Acres Blarney Castle . In the ring with two very pretty, nicely balanced get who moved well. In my opinion, the stud dog has produced better than himself which is what he should be doing. 2nd-Ch . Solstrand Fenton of Bailebrae.In the ring with two nice get, both powerful, typey dogs but lacking the overall balance of their s1 re . 3rd-Ch. Celtic Wind's Erinwood Apollo . In the ring with tw,o nice get with the bitch being of exceptional quality and the dog not up to the quality of the bitch get which placed them third.

Brood Bitch 1st-Ch . Major Acres Kelleegh. A very beautiful bitch in this group who is a replica of her mother. While the dog is not of her extreme quality, he is still very handsome which places her first. 2nd-Ch. Fallen Oak Dana of Major Acres. Two very nice get. One in particular has a lovely outline, beautiful low hock and lots of style to her. The other bitch is a little soft in the topline, but still has lots of quality. 3rd-Ch . Kellcastle's Criostal Kilree,C . D. Two lovely getand a close thing between 2nd and 3rd placement in this class . The get in this group were not quite as flowing in their lines as the above group, but certainly very nice popp~rg

14 CRITIQUE cont'd

I enjoyed immensely the privilege of judging your hounds. The overall quality is superb and, as I said at the time, the Best of Breed class was unique in having so many quality hounds to choose from. The final­ists in the Specials Class were wonderful hounds, any one of which, including the Winners Dog and Winners Bitch, could have gone on to Best of Breed by virtue of their extreme quality. In addition, there were a number of good hounds who did not make the final cut, but this does not detract from their overall quality. To me, the intenseness of quality seen on this day makes any win an exciting one.

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Jill Richards Bregy Wildisle

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NCIWC 1987 Specialty Tapes

VHS video tapes of the NCIWC 1987 Specialty are now available. These do not contain Sweeps or puppy dogs, however the rest is very nice - if I (Penny) do say so! For further information or to place an order, please contact Penny Worel (707) 552-6624. The approximate cost will b,e $20.00.

"Ow! Ow! You're killing me. No! The pain!"

- Thanks to Ors.Walker, Olin and Spangler Village Veterinary Hospital

Stockto n

15 Metaphysical Dog Tags

If you thought the New Age was only for people, think again. Now comes Critter Crystals, little "pet rocks" for the well-being of your dog or cat. Designed by singer-songwriter Kate Porter, the 3/4 inch long crystals are laminated to a small copper heart that can be worn by the animal on its collar to serve as "a harmonizing factor". Like crystals for people, those for animals are supposed to have a healing effect on the mind, body and spirit. Porter 1 s product also doubles as a pet tag - the back can be engraved with name, phone number, etc .

"Originally I put them on my own animals for six months, and then tried them out on my friends' pets, 11 Porter said. "I have had crys~

tals around my own neck for four or five years, so I thought they would be good for the animals. They're put on copper - copper is a major conductor for crystal - because you wouldn't want a sharp pointed crystal hanging around your pet's neck. It would be unsafeJ'

Porter has formed a company to manufacture future metaphysical products for pets. She sells the crystals ($8.50 to $15) by mail or­der: Critter Crystals, 3960 Laurel Canyon Blvd., Studio City,CA 91604 .

"Some people don't believe in crystals, but all I know is I think they work and they do," Porter explained. "You can judge from the animals . They don't have a prejudice about them . After a week or so, I began to see a real difference in my own pets. I have 2 dogs, 7 cats, 11 turtles and a pig named Popcorn. They are all in good health and the ones that seemed lethargic have perked up, the hyper ones.have calmed down . One dog, Sammy, is 15 years old and has arthritis. In a week and a half, he was trotting around with the others."

What about the turtles and the pig? 11 1 haven't tried crystals on the turtles yet, but I'm going to tape a crystal to one's shell. He's been acting kind of hectic lately," Porter said. "Popcorn? Oh, she wouldn't put up with one. She weighs 900 pounds, so she does what she wants."

- Los Angeles Times

* * * * * *

Filaribits Plus and Hepatitis

Researchers have reported a type of hepatitis in a group of dogs in which there seemed to be an association between the administration of Filaribi ts Plus (a, chewable tablet for heart worm and hookwo rm pre­vention) and the onset of symptoms. Symptoms include depression, vomiting (especially after eating),_diarrhea, increased thirst and urination, and weight loss, and usually began two to four w,eeks after the dogs were given the pills . They improved after discontinuation of the drug, but recurred when the drug was readministered .

Dog World


Finding a Specialist

The Kennel Doctor has clear ed up another mystery for me ; what is a

"diplomate 11 ? A diplomate is a board certified specialist.

In order to be called a specialist, a veterinarian must qualify by

fulfilling some tough requirements . Advanced study and training in

a particular segment of medicine or surgery, and direct experience

in handling difficult cases, are part of the qualifying process, A

veterinarian who simply has a special interest in one area of medi­

cine and is very good at it still cannot ethically call himself a

specialist . Only if he receives his board certification can he be

termed a specialist. The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) officially recog­

nizes 14 areas of specialization - these are called specialty board~

If, after extensive advanced study and experience over a number of

years, a veterinarian passes the appropriate examinations , he becomes

board certified - a specialist in his field - a diplomate .

If you should find yourself in search of a specialist and need to

know about his credentials, you may call the AVMA at 1-800-248-2862 .

** ** ** **

Antifreeze Poisoning

As reported in the Hounds' Bugle some time ago, there is an antidote,

4-mp, for antifreeze poisoning which is safe for dogs - but not for

cats - but is not yet available as a drug, though obtainable as a chem­

ical by veterinarians. New research reports successful treatment of

antif r eeze induced poisoning with the use of dialysis . Severe kidney

failure in a dog was reversed after short term dialysis which allowed

time for the or gan to regenerate and assume normal function.

- Animal Health Newsletter

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Poison Control Center

The National Animal Poison Control Center at the University of Illinois

College of Veterinary Medicine has done such a la r ge vol ume of service,

for the pet-owning public, they have decided to set up a network of

regional centers to better answer emergency problems . These will also

operate on a 24 hour-a-day , 365 days-a-year basis, with a new name:

the National Animal Poison Information Network (NAP I Net) . Until the new

regional offices are established , the telephone hotline number for the

Information Center now is 217-333-3611 . Animal Health Newsletter


Being a Substitute Mother

It sometimes happens that you have to rescue an orphaned or abandoned puppy or kitten,_so your first thought is for some kind of milk subs­titute . Pe r haps milk should really be your second thought, because before milk, a rehydration solution is necessary to alleviate dehyd­ration and to stimulate the intestinal tract . The following formula can be made at home : Mix one quart of warm water, one teaspoon of salt, and one tablespoon of either corn syrup, honey or glucose (Do not use table sugar). Keep refrigerated, then warm the formula to body temperature before using it. The rehydration formula will be needed for only the first two or three feedings, then the infant can be switched to a milk substitute. Dr. Robert Kirk of Cornell offers the following tips on that vital first formula for a pup: Don't make the mistake of assuming that cow's milk will suffice - it's actually quite different from bitch's milk . Your best bet is to buy one of the commercial substitute formulas specially made for dogs and cats . In an emergency, you can make a temporary substitute by mixing one cup of hom*ogenized cow ' s milk with two egg yolks. Another alternative is one cup of half-and-half, but you should obtain the appropriate formula as soon as possible . Feed one teaspoonful per day fer each ounce of puppy, dividing the ration into three or four daily feedings . Never feed puppies with an eye dropper because the puppy can inhale the milk into its lungs, with possibly fatal consequences . Use a doll's nursing bottle or a regular baby bottle, depending on the size of the puppy . Burp the baby after each feeding as you would a human baby, and stimulate the pup to urinate and defecate by using a warm, wet cotton ball"

- Cornell Univ . Animal Health

* * * * * * * * *

Carpet Care

The chemicals in pest-control products have the potential for causing discoloration in carpets . Some chemicals are mo re harmful than others and repeated applications can noticeably affect carpet dyes . To avoid the accumulation of chemical residue and the ri sk of discoloration, it is rec om­mende d that carpets be cleaned regularly.

* * *


Chronic Diarrhea In Dogs

by Tania Banak

Information Specialist UnivPrsity of Illinois

College of Veterinary Medicine

Diarrhea is a.commoo sign· of illness in dogs. Usually the problem

can be traced to parasites, viral infections, or something the dog

ate that it shouldn't have such as garbage or fatty foods. But if all

the routine causes have been ruled out and the dog continues to have

diarrhea, veterinarians begin to suspect a case of eosinophilic gastroenteritis.

Eosinophilic gastroenteritis means that certain types of white

blood cells have entered the wall of the intestinal tract and are

causing inflammation of the stomach and intestinal lining . It is not

a common problem in dogs, but should be suspected with a chronic,

sometimes bloody diarrhea. Says Dr. Connie Dobbs, small animal vet­erinarian at the College of Veterinary Medicine, 11 The affected ani­

mal will begin to waste away. The owners try different treatments,

but nothing seems to work." What is happening, according to Dr . Dobbs, is that white blood

cells are moving into the intestinal walls, keeping the walls from

doing the job they are supposed to do, which is to absorb nutrients. Since the nutrients are not being absorbed, they flush out of the

body as diarrhea. Or, it's possib l e that the inflamed intestinal

wall leaks protein which creates fluid and subsequently results in

diarrhea. "Usually the white blood cells that are found with this disease

are the same ones associated with allergies and may indicate an allergic reaction to a component in the diet, 11 says Dr. Dobbs.

"Therefore, if we can determine what food the dog is reacting to

and then remove that food from the diet , sometimes the problem can

be resolved." If the problem cannot be controlled via the animal's

diet , steroids will generally put a stop to it . However, Dr. Dobbs

points out th~t steroids suppress the immune system, so they aren't an ideal long-term solution. A dog on steroids becomes susceptible to other di seases.

A positive diagnosis of eosinophilic gastroenteritis requires

an intestinal biopsy or tissue sampling. Unfortunately, this means

surgery. that is why veterinarians generally try to rule out all

other possible causes of diarrhea before considering eosinophilic gastroenteritis. In addition, the problem is not very common.


Pepto- Bismol

Pepto- Bismol is being used more often by veterinarians for the treat­ment of diarrhea in dogs. Doses vary with animal size; in one report, the dose suggested is 2~ teaspoons to 2 tablespoons, depending on the dog's weight, given four times daily. For specific dosages, consult your veterinarian.

* * * * * *


- Dog World

* * * * * *

For the benefit of computerphiles, Jane Kit Christie sends along a canine software ad. It is a diagnostic aid called Dog- Vet for obvious reasons! 11 The program's electronic cross-referencing matrix provides you with access to possible ailments from observable symptoms. You select from a list of approximately 200 symptoms, and the program lists possible ailments in descending order of most likely to least likely diagnoses ••• The memory requires 256k; DOS 2.0 or later is also required. 11 $49.95 direct order from Philip Gale Solutions, PO Box 22918, Tucson AZ 85734.

* * * * * * * * * * * * MEDI + BOOTS

This is gleaned from the Kennel Doctor: Medi+ Boots ar·e a new improved boot to cover cut abraded paws that have been bandaged. They have ad­justable velcro straps and are available in different sizes. Contact: Medi-Pro-Designs, PO Box 8098, St. Joseph, MO 64508.

* * * * * * * * * * * * Valerie's Family

On December 16, t he episode of Valerie's Family featured Casey, a very handsome, large Irish Wolfhound. Casey's owner - next door - left him with Valerie's family while she was away and the big plot was that Casey (very understandably) ran away and couldn't be found. Of course, the denouement was that Casey had simply gone home to wait for his owner as any thinking Irish Wolfhound would do. Casey's acting was star quality, but he got a bum rap from the writers . He was supposed to have run rampant through the house and demolished it, but it was obvious from his dignified demeanor that the idea was beneath him and the dirty deed had been done by stagehands. The credits rolled by too fast to catch Casey's name, but it should be in lights on Broadway!


Saint Patrick's Day Parade

The United Irish Societies parade will be on Sunday, March 13 in San Francisco,_and all Irish Wolfhounds are invited to bring their owners and join in the march. The parade starts at 2nd and Market streets at 12:30 and disbands at McAllister and Polk streets . Preferred dress is anything comfortable that's green - white trim okay - and comfortable walking shoes . For meeting time and place, and any other information, contact Carol Gabriel at:(415) 892-5412.

Let'' hm ' big toe;;. It'~ '"~'~"'~

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"I knew it was a mistake to let him buy an Irish Wolfhound." ORLANDO BUSINO

The Hounds' Bugle is published six times a year. Articles submitted for publication are welcome and solicited; the editor reserves the right to ed i t or refuse. Articles herein are the opi nions of the authors and don't necessarily reflect the views of the editor or the club. Permission to reprint is granted to other Irish Wolfhound clubs only if full credit is given to Northern California IW Club Hounds' Bugle. Subscriptions are $7.50 a year or free with club membership . Advertising rates are: full page with photo - $20.00

full page w/o photo - $15 . 00 half page w/o photo - $ 8.00


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