OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP · 2015. 7. 17. · Podemos estar seguros de que eso NO ES lo que Jesús quiere. La Biblia dice que Jesús quiere alegría en nuestras vidas, la plenitude - [PDF Document] (2024)

OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP· 2015. 7. 17.· Podemos estar seguros de que eso NO ES lo que Jesús quiere. La Biblia dice que Jesús quiere alegría en nuestras vidas, la plenitude - [PDF Document] (1)


OFFICE (951) 689-8921 FAX (951) 689-3619 SCHOOL (951) 689-2125 E-MAIL: [emailprotected] WEBSITE: olphriverside.org


SATURDAY / SABADO/ Thứ Bảy 5:00pm English


7:30am English 9:00am English 11:00am Español 1:00pm Español 3:00pm Tongan (1st Sun/month) 5:00pm Vietnamese 7:00pm English (Youth Mass)


8:00am English

RECONCILIATION / CONFESIONES /Giải Tội 8:30am Saturdays / Sabados / Thứ Bảy

and by appointment

March 25, 2012

OFFICE HOURS / Horas de Oficina/ Văn Phòng Giáo Xứ Monday - Friday 9am-12pm & 1-5pm Sunday 8:30-11am SACRAMENTS / Sacramentos Weddings/Bodas Baptisms/Bautizos 689-8921 ext. 20 CATECHETICAL FORMATION /Formación Catequética Religious Ed (Eng) & Confirmation: Mary Fisher 217-2676 Rel. Ed (Span) / Catecismo: Eva Jaimes 686-4077 Religious Ed (Viet): Sr. Hang Le 689-8921 ext. 32 RCIA: Charlie Sinatra 354-7116 Catecismo para Adultos: Jorge Macias 358-9272 Youth Ministry: Steve & Lupe Maldonado 361-0158 LITURGICAL MINISTRIES / Ministerios Litúrgicos Altar Servers: Dawn Varga 909-223-4931 Monaguillos: Edelmira Natividad 680-0540 Lectors: Mildred Polk 801-1779 Lectores: Rubi Albiter 785-6913 Environment: Margaret Tyrrell 780-6647 Euch. Ministers: Chris McAdams 683-6329 Eucaristia: 11am Victor Madrid 909-208-8401 1pm Raul y Bertha Juarez 687-1689 Ushers: Mike Koury 687-5328 Ujieres: 11am Elva y Martin Villalobos 689-7728 1pm Maria Garcia 750-3558 PASTORAL MINISTRY / Ministerio Pastoral Bereavement: Marie Hoesman 778-9191 Visit of the Sick: Lincon Mena 689-8921 Comunion a los Enfermos: Raul Juarez 687-1689 COMMUNITY-BUILDING & SERVICE/ Servicio y Comunidad Our Lady’s Guild: Jean Fortuna 687-3423 Golden Agers: Marie Hoesman 778-9191 Catholic Daughters: Ginger Bentley 687-8049 Fellowship: Flora Helepiko 489-9755 Knights of Columbus: Mike Yasmer 204-5873 Welcoming Ministry: Juanita Wielenga 681-8849 Small Faith Communities: Donna Nurre 684-7922 Pequeñas Comunidades: Lourdes Flores 707-6971 Pro-Life / Pro-Vida: Margaret Moses 369-8726 Food Pantry/Dispensa de Comida : Frank Whatley 684-4298 Church Cleaning/ Limpieza de Iglesia: Nereyda Navarro 354-5788 PRAYER & BIBLE STUDY / Oración y Estudio Bíblico Devotions: Marie Fiveash 359-1739 Grupo de Oración: Rosario Vasquez 237-1054 Grupo de Mujeres: Rosalia Sanchez 352-9047 Grupo de Hombres: Cresencio Puente 687-4659

OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP· 2015. 7. 17.· Podemos estar seguros de que eso NO ES lo que Jesús quiere. La Biblia dice que Jesús quiere alegría en nuestras vidas, la plenitude - [PDF Document] (2)

PARISH MISSION STATEMENT:We the community of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Riverside, as a people of God, are called to unite our diversity into a Christian family. We pledge to value one another as we develop and celebrate our Catholic faith

through worship, education, community, outreach and fellowship..


Coordinator Dr. Sarah Elder


Fr. Timothy Do Fr. Rogelio Gonzalez

Fr. Charles Patron

Deacon Nam Bui

School Principal

Ann Meier

RE Coordinators Sr. Hang Le Mary Fisher Eva Jaimes


Karla Romero

Office Administrator Lillian Kalmar

Pastoral Council Micheale Gibbons

Facilitator Shannon Gibbons

Recorder Tom Deike

Cecilia de la Riva Ivan de la Riva

Claudia Sanchez Hau Ton Le Scott Tucker

Lupe Maldonado Steve Manu

Fifth Sunday of Lent MARCH 25, 2012

When we hear someone say, “I hate my life,” we are very concerned. Why do they hate their life? Perhaps they need to make changes. Should they leave an abusive rela-tionship, or look for a new job? Maybe they are clinically depressed. In today’s Gospel, Jesus says a very surprising thing, “Whoever loves his life loses it, and whoever hates his life in this world will preserve it for eternal life.” Why does Jesus want us to “hate” our lives? Does he want us to be miserable? Does he want us to be in abusive relation-ships, or to be clinically depressed? We can be sure that is NOT what Jesus wants. The Bible says that Jesus wants joy to fill our lives, the fullness of joy. Jesus’ style of teaching was to state his point very strongly. It is called “hyperbole”. It is like when he ad-vised people to cut off their hands and pluck out their eyes if they cause us to sin. He’s catching our attention to make a point. This is the point: we have to stand with Him. We have to serve Him and honor Him. Wherever Jesus is, we have to be there. “Where I am, there also will my servant be.” And when we stand with Jesus, there will be some real cost. At least most of us will not be crucified, which is what happened to Him! When we see Jesus in the playground, a “different” kid, being bullied by other kids, we have to honor Jesus. When we see Jesus in the face of a lowly employee, who needs recognition and encouragement, we have to honor Jesus. When we see Jesus elderly, shut in, disabled or in pain, longing for a visit, we have to honor Jesus. When we see Jesus in the face of a homeless man, begging for food, we have to honor Jesus. When we see Jesus in the frightened girl who thinks of destroying her baby, we have to honor Jesus. When we see Him in her voiceless unborn child, we have to honor Jesus. And so many more places where we see Him! We are commanded to serve Jesus in all his awkward disguises. It is inconvenient. Sometimes we may be mocked or laughed at. Sometimes we can lose money or status or friends or promotions. That’s what Jesus means about “hating” our lives. He must come first. But there’s a great pay-off. Joy forever! Honor from the Father!

“The Father will honor whoever serves me.” Now that’s Good News! Reflection by Dr. Sarah

NEXT BAPTISMS IN ENGLISH: April 29 at 9am Mass

Information & Registra-tion Packet in the Parish Office. Please register by

April 1st!

Stations of the Cross Join us for Stations of the Cross every Friday during Lent in the church: 5:30pm in English 6:30pm in Spanish

Finance Report for Month of

February Reporte de Finanzas:

Total Income/

Ingresos $48,349.24

Total Expenses/

Gastos: $46,503.55

Net Profit/ Ganancia:


Daily Prayer Meditations for Lent Little Black Books available in the

Parish Office for $2 Daily 6-minute meditations

Mini-Easter Vigil Candles for Sale - $15 Take one of these beautiful candles home today and use it to enhance your prayer time. You may also bring it to Easter Vigil and light it there. Use it as a centerpiece and

light it as you pray over your meal when you eat as a family. Candles are sold in the Parish office.


Next Sunday , April 1st is Palm Sunday. It is a spe-cial day when many Catholics attend our services.

We are happy to welcome everyone and to help things go smoothly we remind you of the following:

• Please be courteous in the parking lot. Do not

park in places you are not supposed to. • There will be no Fellowship after Mass due to

the increased traffic in our parking lot. We do not want people being blocked in by cars going to Mass and then being stuck here for an extra hour or more!

• We are purchasing palms this year and will be

handing out only one per person. We thank you for your help in starting

Holy Week in a blessed manner!

OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP· 2015. 7. 17.· Podemos estar seguros de que eso NO ES lo que Jesús quiere. La Biblia dice que Jesús quiere alegría en nuestras vidas, la plenitude - [PDF Document] (3)

Quinto Domingo de Cuaresma

Marzo 25, 2012 Cuando escuchamos a alguien decir, “Detesto mi vida,” nos preocupamos. ¿Porque odian su vida? Tal vez necesitan hacer cambios. ¿deben dejar una relación de abuso, o buscar un trabajo nuevo? Tal vez están clinicamente deprimidos. En el Evangelio de hoy, Jesús dice algo muy sorprendente, “Cualquiera que ama su vida la perderá, y cualquiera que detesta su vida en este mundo la preservará para la vida eterna.” ¿Por que quiere Jesús que “detestemos” nuestras vi-das? ¿Quiere que estemos miserables? ¿Quiere que vivamos en una relación de abuso, o estemos clinicamente deprimidos? Podemos estar seguros de que eso NO ES lo que Jesús quiere. La Biblia dice que Jesús quiere alegría en nuestras vidas, la plenitude de alegría. El estilo de enseñanza de Jesús era de hacer sus puntos muy Fuertes. Se llama “hipérbole”. Es como cuando el dijo que la gente debe cortarse las manos y sacarse los ojos si les causan pecar. El quiere que pongamos atención para que entendamos el punto. Este es el punto: tenemos que estar con El. Tenemos que ser-vir a El y honrar a El. Dondequiera que este Jesús, allí debe-mos estar. “Donde estoy yo, allí también estará mi siervo.” Y cuando estamos con Jesús, hay un costo real. ¡Por lo menos ninguno de nosotros será crucificado, que fue lo que le paso a El! Cuando vemos a Jesús en un campo de juego, en un niño que es “diferente” y es acosado por otros niños, tenemos que hon-rar a Jesús. Cuando vemos a Jesús en la cara de un empleado o compañero que necesita reconocimiento y ánimo, tenemos que honrar a Jesús. Cuando vemos a Jesús en un anciano, de-sabilitado o encerrado o en dolor, esperando una visita, necesi-tamos honrar a Jesús. Cuando vemos a Jesús en la cara de un desamparado, pidiendo comida, tenemos que honrar a Jesús. Cuando vemos a Jesús en la joven asustada pensando en des-truir a su bebe, tenemos que honrar a Jesús. Cuando lo vemos en el bebe sin voz aun no nacido, tenemos que honrar a Jesús. Y tantos otros lugares donde lo vemos! Se nos ha mandado honrar a Jesús en todos sus disfraces. Es inconveniente. A veces se burlaran o reirán de nosotros. A veces podemos per-der dinero, estatus o amistades o promociones. Eso es lo que Jesús quiere decir con “detestar nuestras vidas.” El debe estar primero. ¡Pero hay una gran recompensa! ¡Felicidad eterna! ¡Honor del Padre! “El Padre honrará al que me sirve a mí.” ¡Esas sí que son buenas no-ticias! Reflexión por Dra. Sarah

VIA CRUCIS Unase a nosotros para el Via Crucis todos los viernes de Cuaresma en la iglesia. 5:30pm en ingles 6:30pm en español



Domingo, 25 de marzo de 8am a 3pm Para edades: 6 meses hasta 5 años

Los niños se examinarán con una maquina photorefrac-tiva de PediaVision, que dice si pasan o no pasan en se-gundos. Los niños que no pasen serán referidos a un op-

talmologo o optometrista en su area. La visita y los lentes si llegan a necesitarlos seran GRATIS.

Cirios de Pascua en Miniatura - $15 ¡Padre Rogelio nos trae una nueva tradición para la temporada de Pascua! Llevese uno a casa para usar cuando reze. También la puede traer a la Vigilia Pascual y encenderla allí. Las velas se venden en la oficina parroquial.


El próximo domingo, 1 de abril es Domingo de Ramos. Es un día especial cuando muchos católicos asisten a nuestrra iglesia. Le damos la bienvenida a todos y para que todo vaya mejor,

les hacemos los siguientes recordatorios: • Por favor sea cortés en el estacionamiento. Tendremos volun-

tarios ayudando a dirigir, por favor respete sus instrucciones. • No se estacione en lugares donde no debe hacerlo. No tape la

salida de otros carros. Hay gente que está aquí por otras razones y después quiere salir. No asuma que todos van a salir al mismo tiempo que usted.

• Este año hemos comprado las palmas y solo se repartirá una

para cada persona. ¡Muchas Gracias por ayudar a comenzar la Semana Santa de una manera bendecida!

FORO DE INMIGRACION en español Sabado, 31 de marzo 2-4pm

en Iglesia San Francis de Sales 4268 Lime St. Riverside ¿Que debe hacer si es arrestado por ICE? Si no tienen docu-mentos y lo arrestan, ¿que debe decir y que no debe decir.

¿Debe firmar deportación o no? La presentación será dada por Emilio Amaya, defensor de los derechos de inmigrantes.

OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP· 2015. 7. 17.· Podemos estar seguros de que eso NO ES lo que Jesús quiere. La Biblia dice que Jesús quiere alegría en nuestras vidas, la plenitude - [PDF Document] (4)

NEW REGISTRATION / Nueva registración CHANGE OF ADDRESS / Cambio de Dirección

Complete this form & drop it in the collection basket Llene esta forma y deposítela en la canasta de la colecta NAME/Nombre: ________________________________________________ PHONE / Teléfono: ________________________ ADDRESS / Dirección: ______________________________________________________________________________________

ta phải cầu nguyện kèo sa chước cám dổ và noi gương Ngài cách cầu nguyện đó như khi Ngài quỳ gối cầu nguyện rằng: “Cha ơi, nếu Cha muốn xin tha cho con khỏi uống chén nầy. Tuy vậy, xin đừng làm theo ý con mà theo ý Cha.” Rồi Ngài dạy tiếp cho chúng ta rao giảng ơn Cứu Độ đến mọi người, công bố một sự kiện quan trọng về Triều Đại Thiên Chúa như đòi hỏi chúng ta vâng phục Đức Tin, biến đổi lời dạy bằng lời Thiên Chúa, vì rao giảng Tin Mừng còn có nghĩa là cộng tác chặc chẽ với Thiên Chúa để được Thiên Chúa dẫn dắt vào con đường vinh quang của Chúa Kitô, rồi đem hạt giống đó gieo trồng khắp thiên hạ. Thật vậy, chúng ta là cộng sự viên của Thiên Chúa, chúng ta là cánh đồng của Thiên Chúa và là ngôi nhà Thiên Chúa xây lên. LỜI CẦU NGUYỆN VÀ THĂM VIẾNG BỆNH NHÂN Trong Cộng Đoàn chúng ta có một số ông bà anh chị em đang yếu bệnh, hoặc vì tuổi tác già nua cần nhiều lời cầu của ông bà anh chị em. Nguyện xin Thiên Chúa và Đức Mẹ nâng đỡ những người ấỵ. Đồng thời xin thân nhân thông báo cho Trưởng Giáo Khu, Chủ tịch và thành viên Hội Đồng Mục Vụ để tiện việc đề cử người thăm viếng.

LIFELINES / LINEAS DE VIDA Pregnant & Scared? You have options:

¿Embarazada y tienes miedo? Tienes opciones: 1-800-395-HELP / optionline.org

Hurt by an Abortion? You are not alone.

For hope & healing contact: Ayuda para sanar despues de un aborto:

English 1-800-HOPE-790 Español 909-520-3867 RachelsVineyard.org

Natural Family Planning / Planificación Familiar Natural :


Adoption Needs / Adopción Holy Family Services 1-800-464-2367


March 25, 2012

Bài suy niệm thứ nhất nầy là một thông điệp trong sách Cựu Ước. Ngôn sứ Jenemiah trong thế kỷ thứ bảy trước Công Nguyên tiên báo một Giao Ước mới sẽ mang lại cho dân Chúa một cuộc sống mới. Đó chính là Tôn giáo của chúng ta hiện nay.

Trích thư của Thánh Phaolô gởi tín hữu Hebrews viết về : “Chúa Giêsu đã trở nên căn nguyên ơn cứu độ đời đời cho tất cả những kẻ tùng phục Ngài.” Đó là Thánh nhân muốn chuyển đạt một mẫu mực đến với chúng ta về cách cầu nguyện, lòng tôn kính và đòi hỏi chúng ta vâng phục như đó là một cách sống Đạo hoàn hảo. Bài Phúc Âm hôm nay Chúa Giêsu dạy chúng ta ba phương thức sống Đạo quan trọng, đó là chữa lành phần xác như sự đau khổ, tội lỗi, nghèo khó, cứu thoát khỏi sa ngã; cầu nguyện là gắn bó và cậy trông vào Thiên Chúa trong mọi hoàn cảnh, cầu nguyện còn là đức tính khiêm nhường trước Thiên Chúa trong cuộc sống Đạo, quỳ trước nhan thánh Chúa là tỏ lòng chúng ta không thể ngang hàng với Thiên Chúa, chúng tỏ chúng ta khắp kém, chúng ta biết phục tùng, chúc tụng trong van nài, có khi trong thằm lặng khẩn cầu Ngài. Ngài dạy chúng

OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP· 2015. 7. 17.· Podemos estar seguros de que eso NO ES lo que Jesús quiere. La Biblia dice que Jesús quiere alegría en nuestras vidas, la plenitude - [PDF Document] (5)

NEW FLOOR AND PEWS FOR OUR CHURCH You can help us get them!


THIS WEEKEND It is your opportunity to help if you

have not done so already!

We thank everyone who has contributed toward the refurbishing of the pews and new floor!

May God bless your generosity!

We also want to invite everyone who HAS NOT yet con-tributed to start helping today!

You can sponsor a tile for $18 or: a full pew for $850

1/2 pew for $425 1/4 pew for $212.50

If EVERY SINGLE family that comes to church here gave at least $36 towards the project, we could reach our

goal faster! You can even do it $3 a week for 3 months!

This is the 3-for-3! Can you pledge these $36 today?

You can do it at the table outside church.


NUEVO PISO Y BANCAS PARA LA IGLESIA ¡Tu puedes ayudarnos a hacerlo!


DOMINGO AFUERA DE IGLESIA ¡Es tu oportunidad de ayudar si aun no lo

has hecho!

Le damos las gracias a todos los que han con-tribuido a la restauración de bancas y el nuevo

piso en la iglesia. ¡Que Dios bendiga su generosidad!

Tambien queremos inviter a todos que TODAVIA NO HAN contribuido a comenzar a hacerlo hoy mismo!

Puede patrocinar un cuadro por $18 o:

Una banca entera por $850 Media banca por $425

Un cuarto de banca por $212.50

Si TODAS LAS FAMILIAS que vienen a misa aquí se comprometieran a dar por lo menos $36 para el proyecto, podemos lograr la meta más pronto!

¡Hasta pueden pagar $3 cada semana por 3 meses! ¡Esto es el 3-por-3!

¿Puede comprometerse hoy con $36 para su iglesia? Lo puede hacer el mesa afuera de la iglesia


H O LY W E E K S C H E D U L E April 1 - PALM SUNDAY Regular Sunday Schedule April 5 - HOLY THUSDAY 7:00pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper (English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Tongan) April 6 - GOOD FRIDAY 2:00pm Spanish 6:00pm English 8:00pm Vietnamese April 7 - EASTER VIGIL 7:30pm English / Spanish 10:00pm Vietnamese April 8 - EASTER SUNDAY Regular Sunday Mass Schedule

S E M A N A S A N T A Abril 1 - DOMINGO DE RAMOS Horario regular de Misas Abril 5 - JUEVES SANTO 7:00pm Misa de la Cena del Señor (Ingles, Español, Vietnamita, Tonga) Abril 6 - VIERNES SANTO 2:00pm Español 6:00pm Ingles 8:00pm Vietnamita Abril 7 - VIGILIA PASCUAL 7:30pm Ingles / Español 10:00pm Vietnamita Abril 8 - DOMINGO DE PASCUA Horario de Misas regular

OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP· 2015. 7. 17.· Podemos estar seguros de que eso NO ES lo que Jesús quiere. La Biblia dice que Jesús quiere alegría en nuestras vidas, la plenitude - [PDF Document] (6)

WEEK OF MARCH 25-31 SUNDAY _______ MARCH 25 DOMINGO 8:30-10:30am Grupo de Hombres MC-A 9-10am Coro-Elvira Room 5 9:15am-9:45am Eng. Children’s Liturgy Office Mtg. Rm 10-11:30am Tongan Rel Ed Room 6 10am-3pm Vision Exams for children Hall 11:15-11:45 am Sp. Children’s Liturgy Room 1 1:15-1:45pm Sp. Children’s Liturgy Room 1 2:30-3:30pm Via Crucis Ensayo Church 2:30-4:30pm Divine Mercy Chaplet Chapel 3-5pm Viet. Euch. Youth MC-A 4-6pm Choir-Youth Room 5 7:00pm AA AA 8:00pm Youth Fellowship Office Meeting Rm MONDAY MARCH 26 _ __LUNES____ 10am Rosemary Taliani Funeral Church 7am-1pm Taliani Funeral reception Hall 5-6:30pm RE Easter Mass Practice Church 6:00-7pm AA Hall Annex 6:30pm Choir-Fidel Church 6:30pm Middle School Ministry Hall 6:30-8pm Rel Ed Bapt Room 6 7:00pm Sp. Adult Rel Ed Room 7 7:30pm RCIA Hall Annex TUESDAY MARCH 27 MARTES 9:30-11:30am Grupo de Mujeres Hall 1:30pm School Mass Practice Church 5:30-8pm Sp. Catechist Prep for event Office Mtg Rm 6:30pm Religious Ed School, MC, Hall 7:00pm Grupo de Oración Church WEDNESDAY ___ MARCH 28 MIERCOLES 9-10:30am School Lent Reconciliation Church 6:30pm Confirmation Hall, Rm 5-7 6:30pm Confirmation Parents Church 6:30pm Bible Study in Spanish MC-A 7pm Tongan Choir Rm 8 THURSDAY __ MARCH 29 JUEVES____ 9-11am Adoration chapel 9:30-11:30 Grupo de Mujeres 1/2 hall 6:30pm Youth Group Hall 6:30pm Sp. Religious Ed School 6:30pm Sp. Religious Ed –Triduo Pascual Church FRIDAY __ _____ MARCH 30_ _____ VIERNES 9-11am Church Cleaning Church 5:30pm Stations of the cross—Eng Church 6:00pm Bible Study Office Rm 6:00pm School Movie Night Playground 6:30pm Via Crucis—español Church SATURDAY MARCH 31 _ SABADO_____ 8:30am First Reconciliation (Sp & Eng) Church 8:30-3:30pm Quinceañera Workshop Office Mtg Rm 10am-12 Youth Choir Room 5 6-8pm Choir-Linda set-up Church 7-9pm Viet. Choir-Tayna Room 5


SISTERS IN SONG Women of the parish, please consider joining our new women's choir. We are a welcoming, spiritual community of women, called to glorify God through mu-sic. We are seeking members (no experience neces-sary), who are willing to sing at two masses per month plus rehearsals. Women of every age are invited. Our greatest need is an accompanist capable of supporting the voices. If you are interested in joining us or want more information, call Monique at (951) 776-8527.

FOUNTAIN TILES - The time has come to install the tiles on the final wall of the fountain. We ask everyone who paid $50 to reserve, to please make their second and final payment of $50 by APRIL 1st. THIS IS THE LAST CHANCE for anyone wanting a tile on the fountain. Cost is $100 and forms are in the office. CUADROS EN LA FUENTE - Vamos a instalar los cuadros de la última pared de la fuente. Le pedimos a todos los paga-ron $50 para reservar, ahora hagan el ultimo pago de $50 antes de ABRIL 1. ESTA ES LA ULTIMA OPORTUNIDAD para los que quieran un cuadro en la fuente. Aún hay cuadros disponibles. El costo es de $100 y las formas estánen la oficina parroquial.



Sunday, March 25 from 8am to 3pm For Ages: 6 months to 5 years & 11 months

Children will be screened with a photorefractive screener from PediaVision, which gives a pass/fail assessment

within seconds. Children who fail will be referred to an ophthalmologist or optometrist in their neighborhood. The visit is free and if glasses are needed they will be



Classes will be in Room 5 from 6-9pm on: April 23, 30 & May 7, 14, 21

Please call to register in the office 689-8921 ext. 20 or Van Hoang 951-505-7910


¡Aquí en nuestra parroquia! Las clases serán de 6 a 9pm en el Salón 5:

Abril 23, 30, Mayo 7, 14, y 21 Llame a la oficina al 689-8921 ext. 20


IMMIGRATION FORUM in Spanish Saturday, March 31, 2-4pm

St. Francis de Sales 4268 Lime St. Riverside, CA Forum will address immigration questions such as prosecutorial

discretion, deportation, and more. Sponsored by Justice for Immigrants Coalition of which our Diocese is a member.

OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP· 2015. 7. 17.· Podemos estar seguros de que eso NO ES lo que Jesús quiere. La Biblia dice que Jesús quiere alegría en nuestras vidas, la plenitude - [PDF Document] (7)

DEVOTIONS For the Continued Gift of Community here at O.L.P.H.

Please remember in your prayers the following parishioners or members of their family who are

ill or are recovering from illness or surgery: Maria Batres, Raymond Bracken, Bill Callanan, Margaret Chávez, Sandra Chávez, Ruthie Doll, Margarita Ellis, Alice Emerson, Troy W. Félix, David Fortuna, Dolores Gregor, Ro-gelio Juárez, Patti Kirchoff, Angelina Lord, Debbie Maldona-do, Jim Maldonado, Al McAdams, Lynda McAndrew, Wayne Meeh, Mary Mendoza, Mrs. Norris, Mario Órnelas, Sylvia Órnelas, Anne Marie Ortega, Esther Quilliam, Helen Quiroz, Pedro Quiroz, Nathan Rodriguez, Jesse Santos, Lorie Santos, Dorie Sebastian, Georgia Smith, Linda Sinatra, John Sullivan, Amparo Lopez, Richard Troup, Bill Valdez, Opalani Vaipulu, and Dickie Ybarra

READINGS FOR THE WEEK: March 26 - April 2 Monday: Is 7:10-14, 8:10; Heb 10:4-10; Lk 1:26-38 Tuesday: Nm 21:4-9; Jn 8:21-30 Wednesday: Dn 3:14-20, 91-92, 95; Jn 8:31-42 Thursday: Gn 17:3-9; Jn 8:51-59 Friday: Jer 20:10-13; Jn 10:31-42 Saturday: Ez 37:21-28; Jn 11:45-56 Sunday: Mk 11:1-10 or Jn 12:12-16; (procession)

Is 50:4-7; Ps 22; Phil 2:6-11; Mk 14:1 — 15:47 [15:1-39]

SATURDAY MARCH 24 5pm Pro Populo (for the community) SUNDAY MARCH 25 7:30am Pro Populo 9:00am +Felix Talamantes by Luiza & Family Intentions of Birthday of Alex Moreno by his family 11:00am +Plutarco Orozco de Fam. Aguilera-Orozco +Maria Gomez de sus hijos e hijas 1:00pm +Eliseo Haro Hernandez de su hija Maria Guadalupe +Aurora Gonzalez de sus hijos y Familia Sanchez +Eusebio Guerra de sus hermanos +Juana Meza y Jose Guerra de sus hijos +Maria Vasquez y Ricardo Figueroa de Efrain y Martha Perez 5:00pm +Giuse Maria Mr & Mrs Nam +Phero & All Souls 7:00pm Pro Populo MONDAY MARCH 26 8:00am +Giuse Nguyen Van Thuan TUESDAY MARCH 27 8:00am +Maria Thao Lan Nguyen WEDNESDAY MARCH 28 8:00am Intentions of Birthday of Henry A. Corpus by Nelia Corpus THURSDAY MARCH 29 8:00am +Guillerma A. CAlip by Nelia Corpus FRIDAY MARCH 30 8:00am Intentions of Angel & Anissa by Luiza and Family SATURDAY MARCH 31 5pm +Maximino Barrios Olguin by his family SUNDAY APRIL 1 7:30am +Maleah Hagel by Hagel Family In thanksgiving by Maria Villaseñor 9:00am +Tom berenato by Steve & Karen Holloway 11:00am +Carmelo Gomez de su familia +Por las Animas del Purgatorio de Raquel Sanchez 1:00pm +Alfredo Arrizon de Fam. Arrizon +Israel de Alba de su familia +Por las Animas del Purgatorio de Angelica Delgado +Hermelinda Ramirez de Aurelio Palomares y Fam. 5:00pm 7:00pm Pro Populo

Please pray the Intentions of Pope Benedict XVI for the MONTH OF MARCH:

General Intention: That the whole world may recognize the contribution of women to the development of society. Mission Intention: That the Holy Spirit may grant persever-ance to those who suffer discrimination, persecution, or death for the name of Christ, particularly in Asia.

EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS SCHEDULE SAT, MARCH 31- CAPTAIN 5:00pm Shirley Shovah SUN, APRIL 1 - CAPTAIN 7:30am Frank Whatley 9:00am Chris McAdams

LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA: Marzo 26 - Abril 2 Lunes: Is 7:10-14, 8:10; Heb 10:4-10; Lc 1:26-38 Martes: Núm 21:4-9; Jn 8:21-30 Miércoles: Dn 3:14-20, 91-92, 95; Jn 8:31-42 Jueves: Gn 17:3-9; Jn 8:51-59 Viernes: Jer 20:10-13; Jn 10:31-42 Sábado: Ez 37:21-28; Jn 11:45-56 Domingo: Mc 11:1-10 o Jn 12:12-16

(procesión); Is 50:4-7; Sal 22 (21); Fil 2:6-11; Mc 14:1 — 15:47 [15:1-39]

You are invited to come and pray for your need and in thanksgiving:

SUNDAY- Rosary after 7:30am Mass MON & TUES—Rosary after 8am Mass WEDNESDAY - Jesus King of All Nations after 8am Mass THURSDAY - Holy Hour after 8am Mass to 11am FRIDAY - Rosary in Prayer Garden after 8am Mass Divine Mercy - last Sunday of ea. month 2:30-4pm in chapel

Flower envelopes available in the church for donations for flowers for Easter Season.

Sobres disponibles en la iglesia para donaciones para las flores de Pascua.

OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP · 2015. 7. 17. · Podemos estar seguros de que eso NO ES lo que Jesús quiere. La Biblia dice que Jesús quiere alegría en nuestras vidas, la plenitude - [PDF Document] (2024)
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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

Phone: +494124489301

Job: Marketing Representative

Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.