Tell Me I'm Pretty Like A Good Bitch (2024)

The next few days were relatively the same, minus the small mishap that Maria has seemed to completely moved on from. I've noticed her out on the balcony again most nights, that same container on the table beside her; I've chosen to leave her alone for now, though I stayed up until I heard her come back inside just to be safe. She's been kind to me thus far still, and I think the boys have been talking to her because she had started asking me more questions about me, though she never asked about my past due to the whole 'amnesia' thing. It was a Monday, and apparently the first day of school for the boys. She woke them up early, making them their lunches and breakfast as they got dressed and ready; she said she let me sleep in which is why I woke up to the Devon poking me with his school bag and shoes already on.

"Hey, mom's dropping us off at the bus stop. We'll see you after school, okay?" He said, his tone hyper and excited that I couldn't even be annoyed at waking up to his chirpy voice. I sat up a little and raised an eyebrow at him.

"This early? It's nearly 7." I said, looking at the clock beside me as he sighed.

"Yea, we've got a long bus ride. School starts at 8:30 and the bus takes like, over an hour." Andy said from the doorway, his hands clutching his backpack straps as Maria stood just behind him.

"Sorry, they wanted to say bye before I took them to the bus." She said sheepishly, giving a small smile as Andy walked in.

"We should be home by 4:45 at the latest. The bus is an hour and a half but usually gets there a bit early, so we've got to go soon." He said as I nodded, throwing the covers off of me as I stood up.

"Do you need any help?" I asked Maria who chuckled lightly and shook her head.

"Getting them to the bus? No. It's just at the end of the driveway but I stay with them until they're on the bus." She said and I nodded. "Speaking of which, we should go now before you two miss the bus." She said as Devon looked at her with pleading eyes.

"Can Jiraiya come with us to the bus stop?" He asked as she crossed her arms and rolled her eyes playfully at the child.

"That's up to him. I'll be downstairs waiting for you, but if you're not there in 5 minutes, I'm coming back up for you." She told the little boy, smiling before walked downstairs, Andy leaning out the door until she was down the stairs and out of sight.

"Okay, so mom usually works in her office all day until we get home on Tuesday's, Wednesday's and Thursday's. She cleans on Monday, so she may seem busy today but trust me, she will enjoy talking if she's not playing music while cleaning. She likes talking, but she doesn't usually talk much since she's so used to being with only us. " He explained, slightly throwing me off at the information. I didn't realize he was taking this as seriously as I was. I really don't want to f*ck up with Maria. "Just, don't upset her today. If you don't know something or are unsure of what to say or do, tell her that. She's more understanding then you think." He said before turning around and walking out.

"Oh, and coming to the bus stop is a good idea. You can talk to her while we wait." He said as Devon grinned.

"She's too cautious to ask about you right now. Ask her about herself! She's liking you more then you realize." He said before giggling and running out, leaving me there slightly confused. I will never get used to the fact these two children, especially the youngest, were my guides and help to not f*ck up my chances with my soulmate.

-------Maria's POV-------

I was surprised to see Jiraiya was actually coming with us, a simple task like up the driveway. It was kind of strange but, I also didn't know how to feel about leaving him alone in the house yet. I had plenty of personal and confidential stuff in there, I needed to trust him before I felt comfortable leaving him alone in there. I wouldn't even leave him alone with my boys for more then a few minutes. I'd been using those gummies almost every night and I've just been getting more and more in my head when I'd sit out on the balcony and think.

We were all at the end of the long driveway, the boys wanted to ride in the back of my truck up there before their first day so they were sat in there as they waited, my drivers door open as I leaned back against the side of my seat. Devon was busy talking to Jiraiya about all his friends at school, wondering who's class he's be in, while Andy hugged me tight. He was always the kid who would cry on his first day of school when he was younger, not wanting to leave me for hours even if he knew he'd be right back with me at the end of the school day. I picked him up after a moment of him pouting, putting him on my hip as I hugged him close, his head laying on my shoulder as he wrapped his short arms around my waist.

"I don't wanna leave." He murmured into my shoulder making me chuckle, kissing his head lightly.

"It's only for a few hours." I told him, going through the same thing I've always told him every year. "Then you'll be right back here, with me, your brother, and all your games." I said, not noticing the way Devon and Jiraiya were staring at the display.

"How about, I make you some treats, hmm? For when you get back." I asked and he slowly looked up at me, looking slightly less sad then before. He gave a slow nod making me smile, leaning in to kiss his cheek, blowing a raspberry instead sneakily, a smile and giggle escaping him.

"Momma! That tickles!" He laughed and I chuckled, giving him a small squeeze before feeling a small hand pat my arm, looking over to see Devon almost hanging off the bed of the truck as he just barely reached my arm.

"I want hugs too." He whined as I chuckled, shifting Andy in my arms and helping Devon down, Jiraiya helping him settle in my arms as I squeezed them tight to me. They were heavy to hold together, but I managed, Jiraiya looking slightly surprised but seeming as if he was ready to catch them or take one if I lost my grip.

"There, now I've got both my boys." I said, grinning as Devon buried his face in my neck, Andy kissing my cheek sweetly.

"I'm gonna miss you, momma." He muttered, my expression softening as I kept them close, the school bus seen in the distance.

"I'm gonna miss you too Cowboy." I said, kissing his head before doing the same to Devon. "I'm gonna miss you too Birdy." I muttered, Andy lifting his head to look down the road, seeing the bus coming as a sad look crossed over his face again.

"What if I don't have any friends in my class?" Andy asked quietly and I couldn't help the small laugh that escaped me.

"You are one of the sweetest little boys I've ever met. I promise, you'll always make friends in your classes." I told him, kissing his cheek. "Besides, you have friends on the bus, and you'll be able to play with them at recess. You've just gotta find one person in your class to get along with, then you won't feel so alone in there, alright?" I told him, Devon smiling at his older brother.

"Of course you'll make friends! You're the best big brother I couldeverhave, who wouldn't want you as a friend?!" He cheered making Andy smile as I chuckled, moving to set the boys down as the bus got closer.

"Alright, its almost time to go. I want you two to be good today. No phone calls home, alright Birdy?" I asked, lightly poking Devon in the stomach. He had ADHD and tended to get into trouble for the dumbest reasons; slow developing powers doesn't help. I was glad only one of them was a little troublemaker.

"No phone calls home, got it!" Devon said as he grinned up at me, fixing his backpack over his shoulders as I smiled, ruffling his hair as he giggled.

"And I want you two to be nice, and be polite to your new teachers. They deal with a lot of kids in a day, so please treat them with respect." I told them, getting nods in response and smiles from them.

"Can we get our teachers gifts next week? Ms. Snow really liked it last year when we did that." Devon asked, beaming up at me as I chuckled, nodding as I remembered the appreciation the kindergarten teacher had at the gift of craft supplies plus some Swiss chocolates she had mentioned loving once when I picked up the boys for a change.

"Sure, if you want to, we can definitely do that." I told them, Devon grinning.

"I hope I get Mr. Michael! Henry's brother was in his class and he said he plays a lot of games in his classes!" He said and I chuckled, hugging the boys just as the bus finally pulled up.

"I just hope you two have a good day, alright? I love you two." I said, getting each an I love you too in response before I gave them each a kiss on the cheek and they were off, waving me goodbye as soon as they found their seats with their friends. I smiled and waved back, waiting for a few moments before sighing and turning around to Jiraiya, who was silent through the whole exchange. "Is staring at me you're new hobby or something?" I asked, raising a brow as he blinked and chuckled slightly, scratching the back of his neck.

"Sorry, it's just been a while since I've seen two boys love their mother quite as much as those two do." He said, a small smile on his face making me crack a small one, looking back where the bus took off from then back to him.

"I'm lucky I have them. Don't know where I'd be if I didn't honestly." I said before turning to hop in my truck. "Well, I've got things to do, so either get in or your walking back to the house." I told him playfully, giving him a small smile as I sat in the drivers seat. He looked slightly caught off guard, but he quickly rounded the truck and got in with me, observing as I turned the truck around the wide entrance of the long gravel driveway before driving back to the house.


The morning was nice. I finally got to do the cleaning I've been meaning to do, organizing the living room, stocking the kitchen, folding laundry. All done now. I sighed and sat outside on the back porch with some ice coffee, feeling as the summer sun filtered through the big black cherry tree we had just a few feet in front of the large deck. Our property was filled with a large area of sugar maple, red maple, and yellow birch, though there was a staggered line of fruit trees that seemed to have been planted decades ago; a lemon tree, two apple trees and a peach tree.

The boys absolutely loved when we've have to thin out the peaches every year, helping me can them into pickled peaches, or make green peach salads. They both went wild for the lemon tree though, mainly because it was my favourite, I'd made a concentrated lemonade syrup with them so the boys could have quick lemonade whenever they'd like; makes it easier to give them good options I know all the ingredients of then just get something like Brisk or some other brand with artificial flavors. Though I'd never out right ban soda from the house or anything, just because it's not the best choice, doesn't mean it can't be a 'sometimes' treat.

We also have a giant wild raspberry bush on the side of the house so raspberry lemon was always a staple in our house during summer, Devon is obsessed with raspberry tarts with lemon glaze. I've got to watch it when I'm making them, or I'll find him with a spoon in the bowl of raspberry custard, giving himself a tummy ache from too much of the sweet and pudding like treat. I figured today may be the perfect day to make those and see if I can get some of the apples for more tarts, knowing how Andy liked a slow transition into the upcoming seasonal flavors; and apple cinnamon was always a good way to stay in season and get him interested in next season.

I eventually got up, heading inside for my wicker basket to collect the fruit I'd need which was beside the couch, where Jiraiya was currently reading my book, his nose was practically shoved in the book before he heard the door open. He looked up at me, seeming to quickly bookmark his page and set the book down as I walked closer making me chuckle.

"Just grabbing my wicker basket." I mused, seeing his cheeks turn pink, seeming to realize how eager he must have looked.

"Sorry." He said making me sigh, stopping in my reach for the basket.

"You okay?" I asked him, his eyes looking up at me in mild surprise.

"Uh, yes.. I'm fine." He muttered before I leaned closer to him.

"Really? Because you're face is quite red right now." I teased, smirking at his face turned even more red, his eyes tearing from mine as I chuckled, grabbing the basket and straightening up. "I'm just teasing." I said as I turned to go back outside, his hand catching my wrist making a lump form in my throat, needing to close my eyes and take a deep inhale through my nose. I could feel the flash of fear go through me at the grab, but I reminded myself this was Jiraiya, not Devon's father. his grip loosened after a second, my body letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Do.. do you need any help?" He asked me, I looked at him in thought before smiling a little.

"Sure, I'd like that." I told him, he quickly followed after me to the big lemon tree. Normally I'd use a ladder, but if Jiraiya is offering.. I guess I could do some climbing this time. "I've got to pick some lemons and raspberries for those treats I promised Andy and Devon. Think you could help get me up?" I asked, he looked at me slightly caught off guard, but he nodded, moving behind me and hovering his hands over my waist before looking at me.

"You sure this is okay?" He asked making me chuckle.

"Sorry, do you want to climb the lemon tree?" I joked, his cheeks flushing pink as he chuckled slightly.

"Point taken." He said, grabbing my waist as I climbed onto a thick branch, reaching for a cluster of lemons weighing down a branch to my right. See, I needed to thin out the lemons now anyways, or the branches would snap, which is exactly what I was going to do so I could send some lemon syrup to the cities farmers market with Dakota. It was good spare money, though the boys normally help make it, so that's usually their spending money for the beginning of the year. I was quick to fill the basket, asking him to get the small wagon that held more baskets which he did, filling about half the wagon as Jiraiya raised a brow at me.

"This is a lot of lemons, are you sure you need this much?" He asked as he helped me down. I opened my mouth to respond when my hand on the branch slipped and I fell into Jiraiya's grip, his arms holding under my thighs as I grabbed hold of him with a squeak. "Careful, we don't need you getting hurt." He chuckled, my cheeks turning pink as our faces were inches from each other. He had a nice laugh, neither of us even seemed to notice as my legs wrapped around his waist instinctively, having me now almost hanging off him like a koala.

"At least it seems you're always there to save me from my clumsiness so far." I laughed, he looked surprised at my response, blushing slightly as he chuckled.

"Well, I promised your boys I'd help them protect you. I can't let them down now, can I?" He said, closing his eyes in a smile as I looked at him in surprise this time, not expecting him to have promised such a thing to my boys.. Maybe there's a chance he really is different.. The boys trust him, he's got that snake to keep him from physically harming us, he seems nice enough, and with Dakota still coming to visit to check on us.. I guess, I could at least entertain this little crush I've been developing for this mysterious man. "Maria?" He asked after a moment, looking at me in slight concern.

"Sorry, got kind of distracted there.." I muttered, rubbing the back of my neck as he smiled.

"Don't worry about it." He said, his eyes widening as he realized the position we were in. "Oh, I'm sorry! I should've-" I cut him off with a giggle, he paused in trying to put me down, looking at my smiling face hesitantly.

"You are so lucky my boys like you." I told him, he raised an eyebrow only for his eyes to widen, my lips finding his in a soft and sweet kiss as he froze. I let go of him, standing back on my own feet before chuckling as I walked to the raspberry bushes with a basket, starting to pick the small red berries, as well some wild black raspberries next to the red ones. I looked back to see him staring at me dazed and shocked, if someone could have hearts in their eyes, I'm sure he would right now and it made me giggle. He finally snapped out of it, starting to join me in picking the berries, telling jokes to me and asking questions about me which I answered a little more casually then I thought, though that may have been from how much I was laughing; both at his corny jokes, and at having to stop him from eating all the berries he picked.


"Thank you for your help." I said as we stepped inside, the baskets of lemons being carried in by Jiraiya as there were, a lot. We placed them on the counter and Jiraiya smiled at me, leaning on the counter as I put the berries in two big bowls with water to wash them, letting them soak for a few minutes before turning to the lemons, getting ready to zest a bunch to freeze for later when I felt arms hesitantly go around my waist, a chin resting on my shoulder.

"It's the least I can do after everything you've done for me." He said softly, I could feel my heart jump, his breath brushing my ear, his large frame leaning over me, his huge hands on my waist. It honestly made my heart pound, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath through my nose. "I've been trying to think of ways to make myself useful around here to you, but I can't seem to think of anything. How do you think I could help out around here for you?" He asked, catching me slightly off guard as I stopped in grabbing a lemon, putting my hand back on the counter and turning in his arms.

"Do you really want to help?" I asked, he looked down at me and chuckled.

"I wouldn't have asked if I didn't." He laughed, my arms slowly going around his waist as I averted my gaze.

"If you're just trying to get on my good side, it's unfortunately working." I mumbled, blushing as he smiled, leaning down to me as he gently turned my face to his.

"Just trying to not feel like such a useless f*ck next to such an amazing and beautiful woman." He muttered, grinning slightly as I scoffed in amusem*nt. "What? You don't believe me?" He asked and I raised a brow at him with a smirk, crossing my arms.

"If you're trying to tell me that is the only reason you want on my good side, then yea, I don't believe you." I laughed, he looked mock offended.

"Well, what else is there? All I see is a beautiful woman with two very smart boys who I would love to take away some of the stress from, if it would help her." He mused, hands sliding down to my hips as I blushed, my hands landing on his chest when he pulled me just a little closer.

"Well you seem quite eager to do more then justhelpme." I said, looking up at him through my lashes as he smiled and sighed.

"Oh, I'd only do that kind of helping if you asked." He said, smirking before he turned a bit more nervous and serious, hesitating before he spoke. "Can I kiss you?" He asked quietly, looking into my eyes as he waited for a response. I bit my lip, suddenly feeling fear at what this could lead to. I didn't want to get hurt again. I didn't want my boys to get hurt. I looked up at him hesitantly, he noticed my hesitance, his arms wrapping loosely back around my waist as he kissed my forehead, leaning his own forehead on mine as he stared at me.

"I'm scared.. If I let you in, it won't just be me that get's hurt if something goes wrong." I admitted, closing my eyes as I thought about how this could all go wrong very quickly.

"I swear on my life, Maria. I will never, ever hurt you or Andy, or Devon." Jiraiya declared, his hands now on my cheeks as he looked at me. "Please look at me." He said, my eyes slowly opening to meet his sincere gaze, one I've never seen on a man. It felt like those last 4 words had come straight from his soul and I didn't know what to say.

"I can't say I believe you whole heartedly yet.. but, I can maybe.. try, to believe you." I said, looking up at him hesitantly. He looked into me with such intensity, I almost wanted to look away, but as his lips got closer to mine, I couldn't turn my gaze.

"That's all I want, to just try." He said, our lips meeting as I felt like sparks were flying all inside me. My arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer as he slowly deepened the kiss.

God, please don't let me be making a mistake.

Tell Me I'm Pretty Like A Good Bitch (2024)
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Author: Frankie Dare

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Author information

Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.